Why isn't there a Channel One on TV?


Could you please give me a year for this alleged sack of Rome by the Huns? If I remember correctly, the silly Christians canonised Pope Leo III for no sack occuring during his administration of the Holy See.

Welcome to the SDMB, LPetrazickis.

Cecil, of course, is never wrong. But sometimes he puts stuff in his column to make sure you’re really paying attention. You pass the test. The Visigoths sacked Rome in 410. The Huns invaded Italy in 451, but never reached the city.

Do you mean Leo I? He was pope during the Huns’ invasion, I believe.

Do you mean Leo I? He was pope during the Huns’ invasion, I believe.

I thought he was Pope Leo III but Saint Leo I. Something like that. Never mind.:slight_smile: