Why July to me? (Mini rants)

Today I was able to head home early. I telework as much as I can but in my IT job I have to do a lot of hands-on work so I’m limited. Last Friday was my first day teleworking all day that I was able to do in weeks. Most of the time I will head into the office with a plan to leave at noon or something and I end up staying a few hours later than planned.

Today I actually got done earlier than normal, which is extremely rare, and that was a really good thing.

The roads are basically gridlocked everywhere. I was driving on that exact stretch of road headed home maybe an hour before that collision. I remember being tempted to stick around a bit longer to do a couple of things before I left but thought, no, I’ll head home before the lunch traffic starts. I narrowly avoided having a massively shitty commute.

Good grief, this was a semi trailer.

Thank you, darling. If it rises above the ranks of “shitty jobs that gave me the corporate version of PTSD” I’ll be happy enough.
Frankly, if it rises into “pays enough to cover the bills” hell, that’s good enough for me.

It’s a corporate franchise BBQ chain. Manager said they had advancement opportunities a’plenty, and then asked if I’d be okay learning how to chop meat on the block.
The delighted light in my eyes was probably answer enough; I’m not intimidated by knives of any size, and I am a carnivore who luuurves meat.

Also, they’ll pay me, and hopefully I can at least cover rent. The bills? Well, I have experience with triage on the wolves at my door.

There’s just a lot of them, these days.

My stomach growled just reading this. I too am rather carnivorous. Mmm. :yum:

Good luck to you! Do you get a free meal when you work? If so, considering the size of most BBQ plates, you won’t be buying many groceries.

I dunno, it seemed a bit greedy to ask.

Then again, knowing how workplaces go … I won’t starve.
More importantly, I’ll have an appetite which is not a daily guarantee with me. So if I come home hungry, that’s a benefit.

Hubs just came very close to dying. We moved here 3 years ago with 17 scissors plus my 2 “good” scissors. Since we moved in, I bought another 5 set of regular scissors bringing our total to 23 regular, use for anything scissors and 2 scissors that are only used by ME for fabric or thread and were very expensive.

I just caught hubs with my fabric scissors. Why do you ask? Because he had to cut some fucking WIRE and couldn’t find any of the other ones. I opened his top desk drawer and found three scissors. So now I have four sharp stabby things in my hands, he’s so very lucky I didn’t want to deal with cleaning up a lot of blood.

He’s going to faint when he sees how much I had to spend on a replacement. Dumbass.

Order another kitten while you’re at it. A Norwegian Forest cat sounds nice.

Fellow seamstress here~just reading the scissors :scissors: wire story made me wince~it hurt my head.

Ragdolls are nice, too. Soft and reportedly very, very mellow. Plus they often have beautiful blue eyes.

And I have read they are cuddly.

I’ve never met one, but they do sound nice and are beautiful. However, that’s my other current rant. We have a kitten. A very cute, very smooshy kitten. He is a baby cat, so sleeps more than adult cats, but when he’s on, he is ON! he’s fearless. So far, I’ve pulled him out of our front loading washing machine, our dishwasher and our freezer. He chews on electrical cords and climbs people and launches himself off our shoulders.

I keep reminding myself that we bought him for the cat he will be and we will miss the crazy days.

Walked in on my (now)ex trimming his beard.
With my hardanger scissors.
And my lovely Dovo stork scissors on the counter.
Mr. Fucking Clueless exclaimed how nice it was to use the long handled scissors as the storks were just too small for his mitts.
I think I “Looked” him harder at that moment than I did when I discovered his side chick.

Mom gave me my stork scissors over 35 years ago. I have had them so long that the gold plating has worn off the finger holes. The only reason I wouldn’t go all stabby on him if he damaged them is because I know that evidence in murder cases doesn’t often get returned to the owner even if the murder was judged to be fully justified. I might open a handy drawer and pull out a pair or two of the junk scissors and use them instead though…

Lest everyone think I’m all abused and shit, today he was at Lowe’s buying pavers that I had asked for when Amazon packages started arriving. George now has his own bed that has never been used by the other cats, another half dozen jingle balls, a rechargeable flopping fish toy, a sock toy and another wand toy.

After we played with George for a while, he made tacos for dinner.

Plus, he’s nice to my cats and good in bed.

(I just ordered another 5 pack of cheap (9.99) scissors because I’m such a good wife.)

For the first time since my stupid knee injury, I was able to get out of bed without screaming from pain. But it’s still swollen with a big scab and discharge. It hurts all the way up to my hip.

That doesn’t sound mini to me! That’s Full-Rant-Worthy!

So sorry - pain sucks :frowning:

I knew my mom’s Alzheimer’s had gotten bad when I noticed my dad had cut clippings out of the newspaper with her pinking shears and she didn’t say anything. I did that once when I was young and every day of my life since then has been a gift.

Some asshat knocked on our front door at 4 am! We live in a small village.WTF! Pissed me off!

That sucks you have my sympathies I’ve been dealing with one stupid injury after another to my right leg knee and shin.

Keep it iced and elevated.

To say the remotes for Apple TV suck donkey dick would be an understatement. Rather, they suck the maggot-covered dicks of donkeys who have been lying dead in a swamp for a week. They’re so committed to being minimalist that they lack basic functionality. Hey, I want to watch the next episode of a series I’ve been bingeing. Call up the show and it wants to start on the episode I just watched because I didn’t keep it on past the closing credits. So it wants to start the last episode all over again. I can’t fast forward cause there’s no fucking fast forward button and that would totally wreck their devotion to minimalism. So I have to go to the listings of all the shows on this service, find the show in question, click on it like I’m seeing it for the first time, then select the season, then select the episode that I want. But make one false move with their shitty touchpad and you start the process all over again. And should your battery run out, you can’t just change the batteries like a sensible chimpanzee, no you have to tie up one of your apple chargers for a while and plug it into that. Could they BE any more annoying?

To fast forward you have to click/press the top right-ish section of the touchpad-y part. you have to get it just so, though. Its a giant PITA, the whole thing.

Just be glad it’s not a DirecTV shitty remote. Once false move and you’ve deleted the entire series. And I don’t know what “false move” it is, it just happens sometimes when deleting single episodes. Four times, so far.