Why do I feel a little sad when I see two ugly people kissing and obviously happy?
Because you have a mean spirited competitive streak, its ok, we all do.
Why didn’t Capt. Picard replicate some guns and riddle the Borg when they first met? Given their vulnerability to being punctured or hacked apart, I highly doubt the Borg could’ve ever conquered Earth even in the 20th century.
Well I’m not sure what point you mean by “when they first met”, if its the TV show or movie. But you could pose the same question to just about every creative work ever. Its called suspending disbelief, and since it wasn’t written in the show, there are nearly infinate explainations you could create to justify it why it makes sense.
Americans have less personal freedom now than at any time in the countrys’ history since 1800. Why doesn’t anybody seem to care?
This is simply false. There may be a perception of that when you consider the better ability to enforce laws, and the vast number of laws geared toward personal (ergo financial) safety. Bascially we’re more civilized, its a matter of opinion if anarchy is inherently freer.
Why do Europeans think they have something to be proud of, when they don’t?
This is silly, and probably posted just for the sake of inflaming responses. A large percentage of European pride is derived from their history, which makes perfect sense considering that virtually all of these nations were much greater than they are now. One could make a reaosnable arguement that the past is empty pride versus the present, but as the question is phrased…pride is still pride.
Why does the U.S. have the worlds largest economy, when our schools are hardly above average?
Well, the US’ schools are well above average compared to the entire world, the “just average” comparision is between highly developed nations. Its quite clear that eduation is only one component of many that makes an economy great. The US’, unlike many of its competitors, education is even more loosely linked to economic success because lower education is mandatory while our financial freedom is vast. A better benchmark is that our colleges are second to none, which reflects our economy closer in that only those who desire education go. Its a better indicator of capability, since its not bogged down by apathetic and uninterested students. Business and the economy is only driven by those choose to do what they are doing, like college.
Why is the human experience so hard to fathom?
This is cryptic. There’s no possible answer. However I did like Pyrrho12’s answer alot.
Why are so many people content to work at the hardware store in their hometown, instead of trying to build a better life elsewhere?
Not everyone is driven by the same goals. Money and power don’t factor into everyone’s defintion of happiness. Better is a subjective term. Of course no person is really ever entirely satisfied, so most just feel good doing the best they can with what they have. That guy at the hardware store may feel challenged and valuable doing it. Why do you suppose that everyone would share your expectations of success?
Why do we have these two camps: “liberal” and “conservative,” that are both convinced the other is evil, and ignore all evidence to the contrary?
I’m afraid that elmwood hit the nail on the head.
Why are some of these questions so provocative?
They aren’t, because thats the intended goal. Its far to obvious to be invective.
If you have a life, why have you read this far?
If you have a life, why did you post this?