Why Parenting Doesn't Require Any License

I’ve always called parenting as the last bastion of freedom.
Here me out for a minute.
In almost everything else you do in life, there are requirements, licenses, certifications,
surveillance, monitoring, tracking, record keeping, evaluating, testing, etc.

If you want to drive a car, you need to get a license.
If you want to get a job, you need to have certification or take testing/examination to pass.
If you want to travel, you need to show documentation, require a passport/visa/health check etc.
If you want to work in some jobs, you need to have a criminal background check.
If you want to get married, you have to register with the government.
If you want to take out a loan at the bank, you need to meet some requirements.
So on and so forth.

But parenting, probably the most important job or task any human can have in their life, has no requirements, no license/certification/training required. Anyone and everyone is allowed to be a parent at almost anytime of their lives with no checks, no exams, no evaluations, no rules, no monitoring.

Of course, parenting is a very diverse thing. There is no such thing as only one way to parent and the right way to parent. It sort of varies on all kinds of situations and circumstances. I just found it interesting that in the times we are living in and heading towards where everything is being tracked and everyone is being monitored, parenting is still complete freedom. You can basically parent any way that you want. Of course there are laws and you can’t break those laws else run into trouble possibly losing custody of your child or going to jail yourself. But that’s only at the extreme end. For everything else, you are pretty much free to do as you please and nobody can tell you that you are not qualified to be a parent. People can say you are a bad parent or criticize you, but they can’t do anything about your parenting style. It’s not against the law to be a bad parent (ie. spend little time with your kids, not teaching them lesson in life, not having talks with them to work out emotional issues, not going on family vacations or buying them presents now and then, not teaching them how to cook or do things around the house, skills, tasks, not playing baseball with your son, etc).

Yes, some people by choice install their own CCTVs inside their homes for their own security so I suppose somebody could monitor how you parent on a daily basis if they were allowed to collect all your videos and stitch together years and years of your parenting.

But basically you are free to parent as you choose. There is no “parent police” patrolling the houses checking up on you to see if you are following all the ordinances and bylaws of parenting. There is no surprise examination or mandatory parenting seminars annually to update your certification or license to parent legally haha. None of that exists. You are free to be a 1 star parent or a 3.5 star parent or 5 star parent. It’s not illegal to be a 1 star parent. It’s only illegal if you actually break a law such as the things we often hear about on the news (abuse, negligence, sexual crime, actual manslaughter or murder, kidnapping etc).

I’m certainly not advocating for there to be parenting licenses. I’m not hoping for there to be parent police to patrol your houses and come in and watch you to make sure you pass the grade. I like it the way it is. It’s one of the last bastion of freedom where you don’t have anyone breathing down your neck and grading you worrying that you might be let go any day now.

But I just thought it’s so interesting that parenting has nothing while almost everything else has competency tests, licensing, certification required. The only thing required in parenting is that you aren’t a criminal. That’s it. Outside of that, you can be whatever you want and do whatever you want as a parent.

Anyone else realize this about parenting?

I guess you never heard of or knew someone who was court ordered to have to deal with Child ProtectIve Services.. Child abuse by unfit parents is a huge problem in this country. The government can and do take peoples children away. People are ordered to take parenting classes. They can show up at your home unannounced.

Freedom isn’t free. There are rules. But for the most part you are correct that you have much more leeway in raising kids than just about any other aspect of your life.

Phrases like ‘last bastion of freedom’ worry me.
It suggests that the speaker despises rules and regulations.

And probably have to get insurance too.
Also not be drunk when driving.
Are you seriously suggesting that unqualified people should be allowed to drive drunk without insurance?!

You imply that this is a bad thing too.
How would you run loans if you worked in a bank?

Indeed. You can mistreat your children in myriad horrific ways (beating / starvation / sexual abuse / murder.)

You don’t think relatives, neighbours, teachers and police should check up on possible child abuse?

Parents should not have the ‘freedom’ to molest their children.

I really hope I’m misinterpreting you.

In a world where any criticism of Trump results in a savage response, we need rules and regulations.

Republican congressional candidate Carl Paladino told Breitbart listeners last week that Attorney General Merrick Garland “probably should be executed” following the FBI’s raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last Monday…

If you want to become a parent, you have to find a willing (or at least cooperative) partner. To be a parent in the sense the OP implies - ie. not just initiating a birth and walking away - requires some commitment, both financial and emotional.

As an individual, you can choose to walk away from your current life and join the ranks of the homeless. No qualification, vetting, licensing or other checks required. Maybe this is really “the last bastion of freedom”. The freedom to be free.

Your thesis statement is absolutely, fundamentally wrong.

Welcome back to the board.

Also that the speak knows jack squat about parenting if they associate it with “freedom” in any way.

Personally, I think it might be fun to live in the OP’s idealized world where my unlicensed, non-board certified brain surgeon who never went to college is late for surgery because he crashed his car that he doesn’t know how to drive. At least my three undocumented foreign wives will be able to support themselves through a massive unsecured bank loan.

I haven’t read the wall of text, but I imagine the point is the opposite. You have to get a license to do these complex and simple, important and mundane things. But you don’t need a license for that all-important function of parenting. You need a license to cut hair, but not to be responsible to feed and care for another human being.

OP, I think it’s just a function of biology – seems like it would be impossible to stop people from having kids without a license, and turning all those unlicensed kids into foster kids seems like a disaster.

Same here. Good candidate for how to write an OP that dissuades reading.

But any arguments for restricting freedom to procreate quickly butt up against eugenics (presuming we agree eugenics is a bad thing.)

Definitely another issue.

off-topic part hidden

A related question – with the Dobbs decision, since a state can require you to carry a fetus to term, could the state also force you to get an abortion? If they have an interest in the life of the fetus, could the state decide that you’re not a good enough parent and force one?

Maybe that’s too off-topic for this thread. But, I think it goes with the idea of licensing for parenthood.

ETA: I’ll report my own post to get a moderator to make a call on whether it’s too off-topic.

Added link to new thread: Does the State have the power to force an abortion?

If you want to drive a car ON PUBLIC ROADS, you need to get a license. You can drive on private property all day long without a license. In farming communities, it’s common for children to start driving at age 14 or thereabouts. (They also operate other dangerous machinery, but that’s another topic.)

Pass what? It is true that many jobs require some sort of certification, but many of those requirements are set up by private companies, not the government.

What sort of travel? Does hitchhiking require any of those things? Does bicycling over to the next town require any of those things? Does walking across a state line require any of those things?

Again, many of those requirements come from private companies, not the government.

I guess you’ve never heard of common-law marriage, which doesn’t require anything from the government.

Naturally; after all, the bank wants some assurance that they’ll get their money back. They wish to protect their own property rights. But many banks will lend fairly small sums of money with very minimal requirements; mainly just checking your credit score.

If you become a parent, don’t you have to register with the government, too? I don’t see that much difference. It’s not like the government polices who can and can’t get married.

Good question. Is there such a requirement? Must a birth certificate be filed?

Not necessarily. Women can get pregnant without a willing partner by using a sperm bank… of course, a man has to donate willingly to the sperm bank for that to be possible, so there’s that.

As has been said, there are severe consequences to lousy parenting, depending on how bad it is. Still, if you choose to live someplace without any local government or law enforcement, you can do whatever you want, and there’s is nothing to stop you. I don’t see any way around that, do you?

You do in Missouri

193.085. Birth certificate — contents, filing, locale, duties of certain persons, time allowed, attestation. — 1. A certificate of birth for each live birth which occurs in this state shall be filed with the local registrar, or as otherwise directed by the state registrar, within five days after such birth and shall be registered if such certificate has been completed and filed pursuant to the provisions of this section.

Yes, outside of actual abuse or negligence that leads to your child being harmed, parenting is pretty much freedom to do whatever you want. Someone could be a Karen and report you to child services for not taking your kids to disneyland, buying them candy, letting them own a phone until they are in high school, sure…but these are all not against the law. As I said, it’s not against the law to be a 1 star parent. As long as you aren’t actually hurting them and providing the basic necessities, there is nothing else anyone can actually do. It’s amazing how much leeway parenting has considering it’s the most expensive and valuable thing in life to “own/be responsible for” more than your pets, your cars, or any device/furniture.

Yes, that’s about it. Register a live birth get them a Ss card. but whose to know about a hidden pregnancy and home/street birth? That’s where it’s scary for infants and children. No bc, no access to a citizens birth right.

Think about the next babyboom because of Dobb’s, will there be some babies born but not registered, no record of birth? what happens to them?

Glee is wrong.
msmit537 is wrong.

You guys assume too much into a reading.


As I said, lots of things in life require to you have certification, testing, training etc such as driving but
not parenting. There’s no such thing as a couple is not allowed to have a child and become a parent.
Yes, after they become parents and commit abuse or harm, they can lose custody of the child or face imprisonment. But I’m talking about actually becoming parents. You don’t have to enrol in a 4 year program and graduate in order to get the greenlight to become parents.

It’s great that you don’t and that’s why it’s the last bastion of freedom. But I worry there will come a day when it’s going to be required. Not anyone will be legal or allowed to just become parents. That’s what 99% of youtube commenters say when they comment on some news video about child criminals or juvenile delinquents or some child being harmed…they all wonder how these people were even allowed to be parents in the first place since they did such a horrible job at raising them or keeping them safe.

Your points are confusing, and seem to be arguing both sides of the issue. You say this:

And then you say this:

So, do you feel that there should be some sort of check against people being bad parents, or not?

thescrr is wrong - and I gave my reasons.
(And here’s another example where you are wrong):

  • China’s one-child policy started in 1980 and was strictly enforced with punishments including fines for violators and often forced abortions

Please do explain why I’m wrong.