Why so much use of "fuck" in thread titles?

Lemme guess, Pink… you find the bikini to be shameful? And the miniskirt? I suppose upper-crust Victorian pole up your ass has rendered you a superior human being, huh?

Here’s a hint, dumbshit… the word “fuck” works well as a modifier. For example:

… doesn’t convey as much meaning as…

See the difference? Good, now get your ass back to “Barney’s Happy-Dappy Message Board For Kids”.

Now, back to the less-idiotic members of this board…

It’s “mung” (no “e”). It’s a two-person practice… after digging up a “ripe” female corpse (about a year old), Person A places his face down near the groin area, while Person B drops his body across the corpse’s upper torso, squeezing the remains out throught he vaginal orifice. Person A then eats to his heart’s delight as the “delicacies” come out.





I love you guys. :slight_smile:

Yes, I do.
Why would I ask?

Oops, didn’t quite see the last thread.
Hmmm…has this been documented?

Ferchrissakes, Spoofe, I could have gone my whole life without hearing that. I won’t be able to keep anything down for a week.

Well, Jack, consider it Dr. Diddly’s no-fail diet-in-a-week. You owe me $350. :smiley:


That’s disgusting! And like someone else mentioned, where is this documented? It seems too gross for any human being to do. You’d have to have a sick mind…

THIS site takes it back to the 70’s, assuming the writer is speaking truthfully.

No, not the corpse version!! Twits.

Perhaps the subject of this thread is a bit backwards. I don’t normally post in the Pit, but I do use the word fuck in my conversations. But only when it’s appropriate to do so. My Grandma has never heard me say it, nor does my son get his ears scorched by it’s usage. The same applies when posting in forums other than the Pit. The possibility exists that someone may take offense at crude language in MPSIMS, IMHO, et al. And so I don’t use fuck when posting in those forums.

Why do I use it? Well, it’s not to cover gaps in my vocabulary. I find it adds just the right degree of emphasis. It adds rythym to my speech, not so much in print, but rather, in spoken conversation. Maybe I’m just deluding myself. But I seem to know quite a few reasonably intelligent folks who do the same.

Hey everybody likes to FUCK…