I found this when looking for something completely different, honest!
Talk about openly flaunting eBay’s rules! I have reported the moron, BTW.
I found this when looking for something completely different, honest!
Talk about openly flaunting eBay’s rules! I have reported the moron, BTW.
Flouting, not flaunting.
mmmmmm, forbidden DONOT.
Or flaunting disregard for.
on the bottom it says not to bid unless you intend to pay. someone is breathing too luch latex.
And just what were you looking for when you “stumbled” across this?
No sig today.
Not as funny as your original typo, though
handy: the auction listing is only to generate sales outside of eBay. None of that is actually being auctioned, ergo the seller doesn’t really want any bids.
gatopescado: I did a search for inflatable bags (i.e.: beach bags that inflate into pillows) and that came up.
On a related note, sometimes I see auctions that say, “If you have 3 or more negative feedbacks, we reserve the right not to sell the item to you.” WTF? How can they get away with that?
I wish I could find a business where I earned more money than what people spent on my product.
According to that “seller”, it’s selling latex products on eBay.
Latex clothing?
Full Body Condom?
Someone is selling a latex bra with holes for the nipples. My wife does not want one.