Why start an auction and tell people not to bid?

I found this when looking for something completely different, honest!

Talk about openly flaunting eBay’s rules! I have reported the moron, BTW.

Flouting, not flaunting.

mmmmmm, forbidden DONOT.

Or flaunting disregard for.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

on the bottom it says not to bid unless you intend to pay. someone is breathing too luch latex.

And just what were you looking for when you “stumbled” across this? :wink:

No sig today.

Not as funny as your original typo, though :slight_smile:

handy: the auction listing is only to generate sales outside of eBay. None of that is actually being auctioned, ergo the seller doesn’t really want any bids.

gatopescado: I did a search for inflatable bags (i.e.: beach bags that inflate into pillows) and that came up.

On a related note, sometimes I see auctions that say, “If you have 3 or more negative feedbacks, we reserve the right not to sell the item to you.” WTF? How can they get away with that?

I wish I could find a business where I earned more money than what people spent on my product.

According to that “seller”, it’s selling latex products on eBay. :slight_smile:

Latex clothing? :confused:

Full Body Condom? :confused:

Someone is selling a latex bra with holes for the nipples. My wife does not want one. :frowning: