Why use cottonseed oil for peanuts?

The list of ingredients for Planter’s Honey Roasted Peanuts states that they use peanut oil and/or cottonseed oil. Why would they use cottonseed oil? It seems ilogical to me that they would use cottonseed oil instead of peanut oil for peanuts. Is the reason because cottonseed oil will make the peanuts taste better? Is it cheaper? What gives?

Most likely a matter of supply/demand/cost factors.
They have found from experience what consumers like and dislike. They therefore use a compatabile vetatable oil in production.

Just becuase Planters processes peanuts it doesn’t necessarily follow that they also manufacture their own industrial peanut oil in bulk. They may go out and buy it on the commercial market, but change over to cottonseed oil when those prices are lower.

This is the usual reason you see more than one type of oil on any ingredients list.

So they only use cottonseed oil when they can get it for peanuts?

That’s another question I’ve been wondering because it lists that they use peanut oil and/or cottonseed oil, and, to be quite honest, I’ve never been able to tell the difference although I’d assume that peanut oil would naturally make the peanuts taste better. It looks like there is an economic reason: either supply and demand and/or current commodity prices. But does cottonseed oil in fact taste any differently?

I’m given to understand that cottonseed oil is best for cooking and frying because it has a lower smoke point and thus gives consistent results batch after batch. Peanut oil can be smoky and would need to be replaced frequently. That isn’t a desirable outcome for industrial food processing but can easily be controlled in your own kitchen.