Why was the Monty Python/LOTR thread closed?

I know there was some controversy there regarding someone’s website, but I don’t understand why the thread was closed. A little edification for a relative newbie, please.

That controversy didn’t have anything to do with the closing, AFAIK. It was because it was a “zombie” thread - a thread that had been dorment for a good long while before being posted into again now. The mods don’t like it when people do that.

Bah. Dormant.

Y’know, I was laughing so hard at it that I never read the dates. Thanks.

Revenant Threshold nailed it.

SpinyNorman (hopefully with a new username) is perfectly welcome to open a new thread to discuss the copyright issues that were raised just before I closed it.

Hey! SpinyNorman is an upright dude. I met him at Surfdope2004. Don’t go dissing my homies cuz you ain’t down with they sign, you dig?
(Gods, that hurt to type. My English credential is spinning on the wall.)

No, you met Spiny Norman. SpinyNorman is a new guest.

Well then…

Never mind.

Does this mean we have old guests? :slight_smile:

Well, yeah, all the people who didn’t pay to subscribe. They all reverted to guests from being members. New guests can post, but old guests can’t.

I have to confirm that I am a different spinynorman then the spiny norman you mention.
I have submitted a new username but I am a guest at the moment.
Frank: There is no copyright issue. You misunderstood me. I wrote the parody myself. Out of modesty I did not mention it immediately.

(The ‘python (monty) ltd.’ office has seen it and did not make any comment. I don’t think Christopher Tolkien or peter jackson saw it but they are welcome to complain.)

Personally I think the thread was resting. Pining for the fjords. Or something completely different.

Yeah, I got that after reading your site, and you gave props to this board for some of the inspiration, which was cool: in hindsight, it might have been wise to clarify that it was your site and your content, just so it was clear that there was no problem with copyright.

As to the thread pining for the fiords, “zombie” threads, or old ones that have been resurrected, tend to be frowned upon in most forums round here. Cafe Society does sometimes to make an exception, since most of the topics don’t have a sell-by date, so if you really wanted it reopened, you could ask a forum mod nicely.

Oh, and welcome to the board: that was a great thread, and personally I’m glad you unearthed it: some really funny stuff there, and on your site too. Hope you stick around; looks like you have a lot to contribute.

Hah! You Americans and your irrational fear of zombies…

I, for one, don’t quite understand why the resurrection of threads is so severely frowned upon–is it just that you want the threads to die a natural death rather than being kept alive with later posts, which probably won’t do anything for the thread anyway? Why not just auto-lock all threads after a month or so of dormancy, if that is the case? I seem to remember reviving a really old thread when I had recently joined , because I didn’t realise no-one had posted to it in some two or three years. A terribly embarrassing affair.

They’re currently looking into locking threads that are over a year old as a possible way to relieve strain on the server.

Please note that we have a different approach in different forums.

Consider resurrection of a raging discussion from a year ago. If it’s in MPSIMS or IMHO, the topic is (typically) no longer relevant: the events are done and past. Resurrecting is just beating a dead horse. In Great Debates, the topic may still be relevant, but several of the original posters may no longer be here. We consider it unfair to argue with someone who can’t argue back.

In Comments on Cecil’s Columns, Comments on Staff Reports, and Cafe Society, the discussion is usually still pertinent: a movie or Cecil’s column isn’t closed just because it’s old. So, it’s OK to bring up old threads as long as you’re adding something useful. Bringing up an old thread just to say “I agree!” is not acceptable.

That’s why.

:smack: I knew I took a risk there reviving that thread. :smack: No more thread necrofilia for me today! :smack:

Link to the dead?

What URL would that be? www.hell.dead, or purgatory.rip or heaven.god?
And how do you link to an atheist who died?

Easy! www.athiestsafterlife.com.

So what you’re sayin’ is that the thread’s passed on! That thread is no more! it has ceased to be! it’s expired and gone to meet it’s maker! It’s a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! If you hadn’t mentioned it, it’d be pushing up the daisies! It’s internetical processes are now ‘istory! It’s off the page! It’s kicked the bucket, It’s shuffled off it’s mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-THREAD!!