Why were Ellie Mae's biscuits funny?

Measurements are for wimps.

ETA: Donna Douglas’s measurements were for…no, that’s not what this thread is about.

Full of Jello.

… if you could work Mary Ann into the mix (although she can cook), I’ll be in my bunk.

As a matter of fact, Elly May didn’t need to land a man at all, when you come right down to it. Assuming that she could keep most of her principle intact and just spend the interest, there’s no reason why she couldn’t just have her very own menagery of animals. If she wanted a boyfriend or two, I’m sure that she could find one, simply on the basis of her looks and personality. Since she was loaded, I’m sure that she could rent a boyfriend or escort if she wanted one, either on a temporary or long term basis, as well.

Also, remember that the Clampetts had some pretty specific ideas of what was good eating. That is, they tended to eat what was regarded as traditional hillbilly food, such as possum and other “varmints” that they might have come across in their native hills. Granny was perpetually in search of suitable meat, IIRC.

On a slight hijack, I’m very surprised that Jethro was always chasing girls. As rich and good looking as he was, I would have thought that girls would have swarmed him, even if he was not socially sophisticated. In fact, I’d think that his naivety would be an attraction, and that he’d have girls fighting over who got to be the first to marry him…and divorce him, if he wised up.

I am almost certain that I am not a Clampett, and thus am not obligated to write in their cant.

I don’t speak your cant either. Or, more accurately, I don’t recognize those proper nouns and I’m a little afraid to Google them.

Main characters from anime martial-arts romantic comedy Ranma 1/2. A little mature at times, but mostly good clean fun with the occasional animated boobie. Googling should be safe.

You may want to brush your hair. It seems to have been disheveled by a sudden gust of wind.