"Why YOU....... I Oughta..."

“You’ll end up with a mouthful o’ bloody chicklets.”

“Seize him!” (More old timey gladiator type movies)

“Silence!” (See above)

“What’s a nice gal like you doing in a place like this?”

“Why, I’ll twist you both into bookends!”

I’ll, uh…well, you know what I’ll do to you.

“Hiya, toots.”

“Operator, get me the police!”

“Lend me a dime for a cup of coffee.”

That dame sure had a nice pair o’ stems!

“Hold me back, boys!”

“Remind me to moidah you later.” “I’ll make a note of it!”

No soap. (seems to be common saying in movies from 30s to 40s)

[Three word sentence], [character name], [same three word sentence].

Head them off at the pass.*
*I hate that cliche

Whenever we pass a police car, I tell Mrs. de Plume “Cheeze it, the cops!”

“Spread out!” Three Stooges

“Don’t be such a square, daddy-O. You’re bringing my groovy vibe DOWN, baby.”

“And how!”

“Aw rasberries!”


“That’s Swell, kid!”


Whenever I see a cop car in my rear view mirror, I say “We’ve got company!”

“This town ain’t big enough for the two (both) of us.”

“This is a stickup!”
“The coast is clear.”
“Hey, what’s the big idea?”
“Get your hands off of me.”
“It’s quiet… Too quiet. I don’t like it.”
“Get the lead out!”
“… And step on it!”
“You got nuttin’ on me!”

I always liked George Raft’s line “Where’d ya learn that cheap trick?” in Some Like it Hot.

What a maroon!

Aw, Fiddlesticks!

"Guards! GUARDS!"

“Your papers, please.”

“She’s one classy broad.”

“You and what army?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Where’s the fire?”

“Ve have vays of making you talk.”

“Just let me slip into something more comfortable.”

“You’re not gonna solve your problems by crawling into a bottle.”