Movie lines you inadvertently blurt out in public

I was at the grocery store yesterday, and the piped in music was playing “Gimme Some Lovin’”. But it wasn’t the Spencer Davis Group version, it was the one from The Blues Brothers. And without even thinking about it, I heard myself say out loud “That ain’t no Hank Williams song!” (Then I took a quick look around, and luckily there was nobody else in the aisle.)

“Well you are not La Boeuf,” anytime something is obviously not what was expected

If I hear the song Bad Moon Rising, I purposely say, Theres a bathroom on the right. Not ashamed.

Without fail, if anyone says, “To make a long story short…”, I blurt out, “Too Late!”

It’s from Clue.

Whenever I misunderstand Mrs Cad I’ll say “No. I thought you said ‘I was alright, Spider.’.”

You really don’t want to take that conversation any further, though.

No, I thought you said YOU were alright.

There are countless uses for “Have fun storming the castle!”

At my curling club, when someone would throw a particularly fast takeout shot, I used to say “think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?” No one ever recognized it.

“You’re killing me Smalls”

I can go days without saying anything that isn’t a line from this movie.

I’ll sometimes say “nices places” (from “Fletch”).

Also, there are so many variations on “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

Passing strangers in a store aisle, I heard them discuss the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse’s name.

I could not, for large pots of money, have stopped myself; I tossed off a casual, “everybody knows that,” as I passed. Only to hear one say, “I didn’t,” in a slightly offended tone.

Oops! In my defense, how can anyone know the scene up to “Victor,” but not know the rest?

In a Q&A session at a Men’s Retreat, someone asked about a Biblical event. The pastor said “Well, there are the historical documents…”
I immediately whined “Thooose pooor peeeople…”

Widespread chuckling ensued. I was surprised that everyone got it.


Ahh, the Hack Weight Shot. But then, I started curling in the days of the backswing, swinging the rock off the ice and winging it…

Hack weight is a very light takeout, just fast enough to slide as far as the hack. Slightly faster is board weight, then control weight, normal, and peel. Anything above normal I sometimes refer to as castle-seige or freight-train weight.

What does this refer to?

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…”

And to be clear, I don’t mean I say it whimsically, knowingly, or with a wink. I mean I actually blurt it out, in the spirit of this thread.

My wife says that as I am leaving for my weekly D&D game.

I use "That … would depress a hyena" a lot. (1776)

Galaxy Quest. "Surely you don’t think Gilligan’s Island . . . "