'Wife, isn't River Monsters the greatest show ever?'

Fish. Fishing. Fish with interesting jaw bones, her wheelhouse. Fish as horrid as our Little Girls. It’s why I got cable for her.


I have it for Live Free or Die.

Well, it and too much Star Trek. I’m a damn good husband. Never expected her fixation on My 600lb Life.

if its in Alaska/Yukon area or home steading on nat geo or discovery anything we watch it …and my aunt has a crush on mick dodge … ive seen the whole series dozens of times

Wife throws me out of the room the first time I clear my throat. We’ve been virtually separated for twenty years. Little prob since she was no taste in TV. utterly painful :frowning:

I spend my time fixing, plumbing, electrical, painting, generally improving our domicile, while she watches TeeVee shows of other people doing these exact same things, which is more entertaining than watching me do it. I guess.

My wife loves it, too. Cool show.

I came to this thread hoping that the OP was tricking his wife to watch River Monsters. Boy, was I disappointed.

I’m thinking some of your wives aren’t watching for the fish, and Jeremy Wade’s sun-weathered mug and wry smile has got 'em hooked. :smiley:

Spoiler pic for most River Monsters eps.

River Monsters would be a great show if they cut out all the recurring footage and make it a tight 30 minutes instead of an hour.

And I don’t join her in watching DWTS just because I like ballroom dancing! :wink: