Anyone know a good WiFi card to get? I’m thinking of asking for one for Hannukah, but I don’t know which ones are good or bad.
Whoops! This is an IMHO question. My bad.
Off to IMHO.
I’ve got a Linksys WRT54G.It works. With Windows. Not sure about Hannukah. Is that a flovour of Linux?
I don’t know if you’re being serious or not, but Hannukah (alt. spelling Chanukah) is a Jewish holiday where parents give their (non-adult) children a gift every night for 8 nights. The Jewish equivalent of Christmas, in a way, except that it’s usually earlier and kids don’t have to buy stuff for their parents.
Specs: IBM ThinkPad A31 laptop, Windows XP Pro SP1, Pentium 4 - 2 GHz, 768 MB RAM.
Thank you