If we compare with the economic Marxism imposed in Eastern Europe between 1945-1990, is it fair to say that cultural Marxism will affect Europe even more?
I am not saying that open borders and minority rights are something negative, but I am wondering if the Nordic model (generous welfare state) will survive in a cultural Marxist environment.
As economic Marxism is pretty well stone cold dead in Europe, the cultural variety can’t help but have more of an effect I guess, however you wish to define it.
I suspect open borders are the biggest threat to welfare states, regardless of whatever political ideology rules at the time.
Do you think Michael Moore and other American liberals agree with you? A couple of decades ahead they will probably say “Oh gee, the experiment in Sweden didn’t work out that well, now we have to find another role model”.
Being English and broadly moderate-conservative, I can only guess at what Moore and rest of the US left would think. But given there are still people who think that strict communism is still the best way forward, even if the whole of Scandinavia goes down in flames there will be no shortage of optimists who’ll still believe that the ‘Nordic’ model is still the best.
From the description, “cultural Marxism” sounds like a fairly unimportant academic movement that has been made into part of the Right Wing’s pantheon of conspiracy theories. So my guess would be that it won’t affect much of anything, while the Right claims that it is part of the Great Evil Leftist Plot to destroy all that is Good and Christian.
And in a “couple of decades” Micheal Moore will likely be really sick or dead, since he’s in his 50s.
When you say “cultural Marxism” what do you mean? Your first clip is about the problems of integrating Muslims into Swedish society. What does that have to do with Marxism?
Or are you just using the standard right-wing tactic of using “Marxist”, “communist”, or “socialist” to mean “stuff that makes me stabby”?
Yeah, kind of had the same feeling you do. Couldnt see what Marx had to do with immigration. Weird, we euros usually dont do the “Socialist=bestiality” bit.
sweden sucks. they mandate cochlear implants for those qualify for it rather the parents agree with it or not. and no I dont have a source. just been told by way too many people. I dont care for sweden and their politcs
Somewhat off-topic: there are Arab and Muslim immigrants in the United States, but they’re not associated with this kind of violence and poverty. For the most part, they’ve been assimilating in the way typical of immigrant groups that arrived before them; still maintaining their culture and religion, but becoming a part of the larger society as a whole. In the upstate New York suburb where my parents lived, there is a mosque in a neighborhood that otherwise has the region’s largest Jewish community, and it’s a complete non-issue for all sides. Another mosque was recently built a few kilometers away, and the only complaints from area residents were about the possibility of glare from parking lot lighting.
So, why do Muslim immigrants seem to do fine for the most part in the US and Canada, but not mainland European countries? Is it the lack of immigration as a large part of a nation’s ethos? Some kind of enabling by the host country? How is “tolerance” practiced in the US and Canada versus European countries?
I wouldn’t say that immigration from Muslim countries is a non-issue in the US and Canada. Keep in mind that according to surveys, Muslims as a group are strongly distrusted by the American population. If there is a difference between how Muslim immigrants assimilate to North American and European societies (and once again, do not make the common American mistake of seeing Europe as a uniform block), it may be due to cultural differences on the part of the immigrants or the host societies, but it may also be economic, or linked to historical factors.
if it restore a sense, it would be stem cells, other than that it only assist and they are still deaf.invasive surgery is a big deal to parents. some babies have died, either from being put to sleep or mengitis (if the vaccinations did not work), . you also to deal with being put through one surgery to another, or cochlear fired hot (AB recalls) etc. I can’t support mandates of something that doesnt always guarantee good results when there are other options.
and honestly I would rather be born full hearing (naturally) than deal with all the trouble of trying to hear.
I am bowing out of this forum because of too many hate attitudes.x
Cultural Marxism is closely tied with communication studies and media studies in Europe (and America). Most of the the literature in the marxist tradition is used as a tool to critically dissect the media and its messages (I’d think most conservatives would enjoy that). In my experience most media students don’t even touch on the more political parts of the older theories, and a lot of the theory has moved away from the overtly political (Like you could get them to read something as “nefarious” as Laclau and Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strateg)
But let me echo the rest, I would love to hear how you think cultural marxism is directly related to the downfall of Europe.
Though I’m guessing the answer is anti-essentialism and the deconstruction of the Judeo-Christian tradition