Will hot tea cool you down on a hot day?

I’m sure I wasn’t the only one reading this NPR nugget.

Unsurprisingly, all of the user comments on NPR call the article “a load of old rubbish”. The internets yield conflicting reports, but I did track down a scientific study (that’s got a bit too much jargon for me to read through). Here’s their conclusion:

Well that certainly doesn’t sound definitive… So what’s the real answer?

Not all the comments called the NPR report rubbish. Re-read fennic’s comment, and also JahJackson. It does appear that NPR’s reasoning was incomplete, but the conclusion was correct.

Speaking from experience, ice water does a better job of cooling me down than a hot drink would. I don’t need a hot drink (as the article suggests) to start sweating on a hot day.

Google hit on this little bit of info on the subject.

How many places is that applicable? Just about anytime you see someone hot, they are covered in sweat (outside of a dessert). That means their sweat is not evaporating effectively. More sweat won’t help them cool off more.

This is like saying “ignoring air resistance and gravity, my system works great!”

I don’t really listen to NPR for science stories, btw. Not only should I drink hot tea on a hot day, but I should do it in brutal, stagnant air.