Will McCain's running mate be much more important than usual?

McCain/Lieberman . That would be a fun ticket.

Lieberman what?
Aw, crap, dad. I can’t believe you beat me to it. I saw the title on the forum listing and it’s the first thing I thought of.


And Lieberman only if he really wants to piss off the base.

Seriously his best choice is Florida governor Charlie Christ. Gets him FL, appeals to the middle, doesn’t upset the core. But Huckabee is gunning for it and will have his vocal supporters.


It could work.

I think we’re back to that twelfth amendment thing.

For me, it’s the issue of character. If that article on Wiki is accurate then he’s now a bit of a jerk.

Not if you accept the doctrine of omnipresence.

Virgin Birth is most definitely not “naturally born”. :slight_smile:


Not naturally conceived. He was naturally born in Israel. :wink: Besides, it would be Christ/McCain even this late in the game. Also, Jesus is a Democrat. ;p

No matter how healthy McCain is, people will notice that he’d be the oldest POTUS ever sworn in for a first term (Reagan was sworn in shortly before his 70th birthday, IIRC, and McCain would be 72). His VP choice has to be young, strong, and a viable choice as a successor.

A Shammai, actually.
This virgin birth/natural born thing could stay tied up in the courts for years. How many Jews on the Supreme Court now? :slight_smile:

Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. She will keep the conservative base happy and she has youth to balance McCain’s age.

Which Clinton?

12th amendment. Pay attention, there will be a test on Tuesday.

Alaska hasn’t voted for a Democrat for President since 1964. I just can’t see this happening.


McCain should persuade Colin Powell -to run as his VP- send a wake up call to the religious right to drop the abortion issue and realize that politics is the art of the possible.

Grab the center out from under the Jimmy-Carter-redux that Obama really is.

I’d love to watch Bill try to go after Colin Powell.

written as a passionate centrist who refuses to be bamboozled by the slick but essentially substanceless oratory of Obama

The Weekly Standard listed Sarah Palin as a ‘dark horse’ possibility for running mate. However, I’m not sure how well she’d play. She’s fairly young and good looking, which to a lot of people is going to come across as insubstantial. And I’m not sure how independent women will take to a hard-charging hunter/lifetime NRA member woman who’s pro life.

But she’d certainly be an interesting pick. I’ve never heard her speak (or really heard about her at all until this week), so I don’t know how much substance is there. Certainly she’s no Condi Rice in the credentials department. She’s got about as much experience as Obama (i.e. not much). She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, no advanced education, and basically worked her way up through state politics to the governor’s chair, so she’s got no foreign policy experience either.

She’s generally the kind of politician I don’t like.

Wikipedia Entry on Sarah Palin

I don’t think we use VP’s for regional balance anymore. No VP has fit that mold in 30 years.