Will taking a dump improve the odds?

Ice Wolf, please see some of Nostradamus’ comments on The Velocity of Flattulance. They’re a gas!

You are too modest.

Your excellent and informed contributions to that particular topic put my own poor efforts into the shade.

It is my ambition (well, one of them anyway) to aspire to a greater knowledge and understanding of Bodily Emissions of all kinds, both Human and Equine, so that I can debate successfully with you without appearing foolish and ignorant.

Sadly, I feel that full Emission Comprehension remains a long way off.

Nostradamus, you’d be great playing poker. I couldn’t tell you were kidding at all. Thank heaven that wasn’t for real.

Of course, I could have said it was all a load of old horse ****, but …


Nostradamus, you had me, too.

With all the shit they do to make horses run faster - all the drugs, nasal strips, blinkers, special shoes, etc., it just didn’t surprise me to hear about shocking the horse into shitting before the race.

I read it over again and I laughed and laughed. :slight_smile: