Will there be a NEW RULE about what we can say in the edit reason field?

Now that we can edit our posts - at least for a few minutes - will there be mod smackdowns if we don’t say why we did an edit, or if we say something silly?

Can the mods use their magic powers to see what exactly we edited?

I editted my post in the new server thread. I didn’t see a place to put a reason, and my editted post didn’t have the info in italics that I see in Patty O’Furniture’s. Did I miss something, or did you just type that stuff in the message yourself?

Oh, never mind.

I hope they disable it - I like the idea of keeping the post as it was written. As has been said before, the ability to edit can bring on lots of “I never said that!” And that’s not good for anybody. So what if there are typos or coding errors? We’ve learned to live with those.

Tried to hit reply on Antigen’s post, there seems to be a slight problem with the database. Go figure.

Dude, you can only edit for five minutes after you submit the post. If a discussion is heated enough that people are able to do “Hey, I never said that!” edits, it’s time to back away from the keyboard.

It only lasts for a couple of minutes, so it’s probably not enough time to “disappear” a ridiculous statement that someone else has jumped on. It is enough time to fix little typos and coding. I think it will be a good feature.

Oops. I wasn’t aware of the time limit. My mistake.

So, who’s going to stop previewing?

Or, alternatively, who previews, now?

Maybe this question is better for IMHO.

I’d say they just haven’t turned it off yet. The same with being able to see who’s logged in etc.

Some defaut settings probably turn on when you move the Board to a new server.

Just checking how “honesty quotes” might work :smiley:

Maybe they’ll leave it on for a few days or weeks to see if, as feared the world really will end.

We have had a week to play with the new server before it was live. About 30 to 40 of us did so and the 5 minute edit feature seemed to work quite well. **TubaDiva ** said in the test environment that they would see how it goes. We also have Private Messaging active for now on a trial basis.

There is some hope that Jerry might be able to restore some of the recently archived posts.


Actually it appears the PM is back off. We had it in test. It worked pretty well. Maybe they will reconsider. It had a limit of 1000 characters per PM. They were also playing with the RSS feature. That seemed a little buggy.

I allow editing on my board, and people usually don’t put comments in the “reason for editing” field. I think it’s because editing was always turned on, so it’s not a novelty. Give it a few weeks, and the comments will probably go away.

That was what happened on Fathom. When they had open editing people would put an edit note, but once the edit window went to 15 minutes nobody had to bother any more.

We can edit our posts now?

Test post

Or else the weirdest thing you’ll see is, “edited because I’m a dumbass who can’t spell”, or whatever.

We do have situations where major arguments swell up within five minutes of the first outrageous post. And we are worried about abuse of hte editing function being misused. It’s available on a trial basis for members only (not for guests) to see what happens.

I’m curious why you think the members here will abuse the edit function. The long-termers here seem to be reasonably mature folks, and the community in general seems capable of looking after itself. How many outrageous first posts are there that are not made by guests, trolls or spammers? At some point you have to trust that the people who are paying.

Because that happened in the past, according to what I’ve heard. (Edit being enabled was before my time.) We’re not worrried about most of the members, but it only takes a few.

It is a trial; we’ll see.

OK, so misuse of editing happened in the past. Fair enough. Any examples? I agree that an indefinite editing period could be awkward in GQ and GD, where there is at least some potential for villainy, but surely five minutes (or three minutes, perhaps) is fine for a paying customer to tidy up initial thoughts/correct mistakes?