Will there be race riots if Zimmerman is found not guilty?

Don’t know if this is the correct forum, but there are a number of threads about the trial so…

A few of the talking heads on tv have opined that the jury may convict because they are afraid of race riots if he walks.
How likely is this in your opinion?

Only if Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump incite them. They need to be held criminally responsible for any deaths or injuries that occur in riots after the trial.

I’d hope they have enough sense not to inflame things even more. What they say after the verdict is crucial.

There won’t be any riots. Stop watching Faux News.

Very un. The fact is the Zimmerman trial is not getting anywhere near as much attention as the Rodney King trials. And the yammering class is just trying to fill time and column-inches.

See, the flaw in your logic is that if Zimmerman walks, he’ll be free to stop crimes.

Almost guaranteed there will be civil disturbances in Seminole county if there is an acquittal.

Whether it reaches full scale riots depends on the police response and any inflammatory statements made by Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump. This is a time for cool heads and respect for the Justice System.

So tell me, ace, who are the two people responsible for all the stupid shit white people do? I’d just like to know who I’m supposed to be getting my marching orders from.

I’m just pointing out that the people that inflamed the situation last year better be careful what they say if theres an acquittal.

Activists have a methodology they use to generate public interest. Press conferences are setup with the grieving parents. Sending out photos of 12 year old Trayvon. Everything is carefully orchestrated for maximum results. They even got the President to comment on this case.

Crump, Jackson, Al Sharpton got the National attention they wanted. Now they have to deal with any repercussions if the criminal case falls apart. If businesses are looted and burned then its because of their self serving actions.

You didn’t answer my question. Who are the people responsible for what white people do?

I guess you’re accusing conservatives? But I can almost guarantee there won’t be any civil unrest if Zimmerman is convicted. Fox may air some negative coverage and outrage. Thats the most that will happen.

I don’t remember these guys saying anything that started the LA riots in 1992, but I may have missed it. I do hope they have someone better than Daryl Gates in charge of Law Enforcement in Seminole county.

I heard people predicting widespread rioting if Obama won in 08, or if he lost in 08.

I guess Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity haven’t stoked any racial passions or used rhetoric that could inspire violence out of anyone?

Should the jury take heed of Beck’s warning? It almost sounds like he’sworried about white folks rioting, doesn’t it?

There has been no civil unrest in response to this case.

But we have seen shit like this.

What? No, I’m not the one accusing anyone.

I just hope the various National voices keep a cool head regardless of the verdict. Acknowledge the legitimacy of the trial and the efforts of the jury.

We’ve seen enough unrest in this country. One of the tragedies of the LA riots was the destruction of black owned businesses. A lot of them never rebuilt. It took years for some of the bigger stores to rebuild in South Central LA. Imagine living in a neighborhood where the nearest grocery store, Sears, or Walmart was miles and miles away. That means long trips on the city bus just to shop. I’ve heard fresh vegetables can be a problem in the inner city. People are buying their food at convenience stores.

Lets all hope for a peaceful outcome.

I’m not afraid of riots should there be an acquital.

I’m afraid that racist SYG nuts will use the moment to declare open season on anyone that looks like Trayvon Martin.

You seem to be confusing Fox News with a legitimate news organization.

Well, if he’s convicted, the Hispanic community is welcome to riot. It’s only fair.

Are you dumb all the hours in the day… or is it like a cell phone that charges overnight? What I especially love about your answer is the quiet racism that black people 1) Can’t discern that the police dept… justice system and govt had absolutely nothing to do with the actions George Zimmerman took… 2) That we’ll all get that notice on our cell phones that Rev Jackson and Rev Sharpton have all told us to gather at some intersection with our rocks and bottles…
Just dumb… in case you haven’t noticed… when President Obama was elected… Rev Jackson’s mentions and authority have dropped proceedingly… and that he might be a little more focused on who’s raising his grandkids while his son and daughter-in law are doing their stretch… As for Rev Sharpton… he’s gone legit… so your hopes of some sort of civil disturbance to peg on them will be for naught…

I never said huge numbers of people would riot. The majority of people will respect the jury decision. It only takes a few hundred people to cause an ugly incident. Everyone forgets the hundreds of thousands of people that stayed home or went to work.

I don’t know the population in that area of Florida. Maybe close to a million? A few hundred protesters would be a tiny percentage. But a few hundred angry people could do enough looting and violence to make the National news.