I have always though shopping on Black Friday sounded like torture. I know some people really like it and plan for it. Some people in my family even get up at midnight to prepare.
I’m sure that everyone is aware that Black Friday has creeped into Thanksgiving Day, and that there has been backlash from employees who work for the major retailers who are opening their doors early.
I wouldn’t have gone anyway, but I think retailers would be more likely to notice people’s dissatisfaction with Christmas creep (assuming one is dissatisfied) if no one showed for their sales. I can’t imagine any significant number of people will stay away, but I’m curious about other people’s perspective.
which is fucking moronic, IMO. not so much that these stores are doing this, but because there are dipshits out there who will run out on thanksgiving night and go shopping. which is why the stores do this.
I voted “No, materialism”, although it’s a tossup between crowds and feeling for the workers, as well.
In fact, I only buy perishables or emergency stuff from Thanksgiving until Boxing Day. That’s right, I get ALL my Xmas shopping done before Turkey Day! I simply hate the forced cheerfulness and aggressive marketing. It’s not like I’m really missing the Xmas shopping season, either. I mean, this year the Xmas stuff has been out since before Halloween. And about a week ago, I saw and heard a Salvation Army bell ringer. I will see enough Xmas merchandise when I have to restock my bread and milk and eggs and whatever. But mostly, I am DONE shopping.
I voted, “No, I hate the crowds” because that’s my main reason, but really. I just don’t care to go shopping. I do very little in the spirit of “Christmas shopping”. I don’t have many people to buy for.
Pretty much the same here. That, and I’ve done my shopping online for nearly a decade, and there hasn’t been a deal yet that was worth fist-fighting someone over.
No for all of your reasons. I won’t shop on Thanksgiving Day because I think it’s unfair for retailers to be open when their employees would rather be enjoying some time with their families. As for why I’m staying home on Black Friday:
[li]The deals just aren’t that good except for a tiny number of super-hot items[/li][li]I’d have to be up all night to get at those hot items[/li][li]I hate crowds[/li][li]I don’t like shopping on that day because everything is trying to push me to consume on that specific day, and it’s irritating[/li][li]Most of my Christmas shopping is already done anyway[/li][li]I mostly shop online[/li][/ul]
I go with my mom and sister every year. Sometimes I don’t even buy anything. I just tag along and see the crowds and have an overpriced latte (well, I guess I buy an overpriced latte) and then we go to lunch.
There’s no way in hell I’m doing this on Thanksgiving Day, though. I’m not interrupting my pleasant post-prandial turkey coma to go stand in line at a store. Shright.
The only way I would go near a mall or store on that day would be if I was allowed to murder with impunity. People in crowds and malls are usually bad enough. During the holiday season they lose all observational skills, common sense, consideration for others and basic mental faculties.