Wills, Wives and Wrecks

Can any of you barrister types give me a citation for the colloquialism, “Wills, Wives and Wrecks”, referring to the old Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division of the English High Court? (I referred to it in a thing I wrote, and now I can’t find a citation for the footnote. I’ve heard it used from time to time, but haven’t had any luck tracking it down.)

According to this link there was an even more colorful colloquialism: “One foot in the sea and the other in the sewer.”

The link only attributes the phrase to “some judges”. Probably not the kind of citation you’re looking for. It dates from 1875 when the Doctors Commons, the Probate Admiralty and Divorce division were merged into one court. Seems to sum up this inconguous collection quite well.

Thanks, PapaBear - I’ve e-mailed the fellow and will see if I get a reply. While I’m following it up, would appreciate comments from anyone else who’s interested.

p.s. - by the way, I just use the reference to “barrister” and “lawyers” in my inquiries to highlight that it’s a legal question - as with my inquiry about bail and bondsmen, I’m glad you don’t take it in a restrictive fashion!