Win 98 shutdown

Has anyone found a way around the Win 98 shutdown problem? I’ve found that if I do a restart and then a shutdown, everything is cool. Users understandably don’t want to take that much time.

from what I’ve heard there is a IDE hard drive cache update through windows update that is supposed to help…

If you’re trying to do a memory flush, you might try downloading a program called “MaxMem” from TechTV. Its free and it does a great job once you’ve set it up right. I’ve got it on my machine and have seen a definate improvement on the machine’s performance since I installed it.

Have you tried the Win98 shutdown suppliment? It fixes a lot of shutdown problems that 98 is known for.
Here’s a link.

Lets try that again

Why is it putting a space in the word default?? its not there in preview, only after posting.

remove the space between the L and T in “default” and it will take you there.

I’m running Windows 98 SE, which has the update.

The one I posted was FOR win98.

Create a shortcut for this:

C:\Windows\RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindows

When you double click it Windows will exit without asking anything.

Thanks, Whammo. I didn’t know that you caould download that anymore.