Win XP shutdown problem

No problem with XP in a new computer for a month, but now suddenly when go to shutdown, the “Standby” icon is grayed out, and when hit “Turn off”, it behaves just like “Restart.” It turns off, then immediately starts again.

In Task Manager a load of programs are running, and assume something is running in the background causing this, but no idea what.

Is there any common program running that is likely to be the cause, and if so, what? I tried ending a couple, but did not help, and would take all day to do them one by one.

Anything else can do?

Stop the presses!, got it fixed. Very odd, however.

I recalled did change mouses and then went back to Logitech trackball, so un-installed the other mouse driver, and lo and behold, shutting down is back to normal.

Why the hell this should be is beyond me, and assume known only to the computer gods and/or Bill Gates. :smiley: