Windows 10 preview install stops at liscense agreement

I’m trying to install Windows 10 preview and I get to the license terms and can’t get past it. There’s nothing to click and if I close the window the install stops.

Any ideas how to continue the install?

Did you try scrolling to the bottom?

LOL - yes.
Anyway, I went another route and instead of using an ISO burned to a CD I’m downloading it directly form MS

I tried that. Eventually I just did a live update.
Shudders all around, but I was at the point of “Fsk it. Let’s just do it!”
Happy with it so far. Kept all my data, settings, and can’t complain.
Color me impressed.

In the end, did you manage to download and install the Windows 10 Preview relatively ok? I do believe there was a bit of scrolling - and some things were incredibly slow installing - but after a while I now have a virtual machine that I can use to test out window 10.

If all goes well I can put 10 on the laptop we have, that currently has windows 8.1.

Everything went fine, I’m typing this on build 10166.

That’s great news - could you please let me know what you think of the final release, when it is released? That way I can decide whether it is worth upgrading my windows 7 machine, and my windows 8.1 machine. :slight_smile: