Windows Installer loads on every boot


I have recently upgrade to NetZero DSL (lame, yes, I know) and since then every time I boot, the Windows Installer mini window opens and hangs for awhile which makes it take a lot longer to boot. Clicking “cancel” doesn’t seem to make things go any faster.

NetZero technical support (a joke, I know) says this is a “Windows” issue and to “call Microsoft.” LOL

Any assisitance in getting rid of this nuisance (no, not NetZero) will be greatly appreciated.

Running Windows XP Service Pack 3

Look in the Event log to find out what the installer is trying to do (and failing to do, probably). Basically, the installer is failing to complete an operation, so it never marks the install as complete. Examine the Application log for MSI Installer events

There could be a a RunOnce entry in the registry or it could be part of the ActiveSetup mechanism. It can be sorted out, with a bit of work.


Thank you!

Yes, I do find such an error in the Application log:

Product: HIPSCC – Error 1706.No valid source could be found for product HIPSCC. The Windows Installer cannot continue.

Any clues on how to fix this? I’m not so computer literate.


HIPSCC is CA Antivirus - I’m guessing that the NetZero DSL update has uninstalled this to replace it with something else, but has not cleaned everything up properly.

Try this link here - it is a MS tool for resolving MSI installer issues. If this does not help, there are other things to try.


Wow, you are a true genius–it worked like a charm. You have saved me a bunch of time and aggravation.

Thank you so much–I owe you big time.

Happy Thanksgiving and send me an email if you ever need any prayer requests. (I hope that doesn’t weird you out.)

MSI installation/autoconfiguration used to be my job, so glad I could help.

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving - it’s just a working day here in the UK, and I am never weirded out by offers of prayer.


What a blessing that such a kind person of the exactly needed background showed up here at exactly the right time.

Thank you so much.

You have made the prayer list.


We’re not real big about prayer lists around here. But if you ask any realistic but obscure question on any topic, a professional will be along in at most a few hours to answer it.

Doesn’t matter if you need Mars explored, moose reproduction studied, or car insurance explained, we have somebody here who does it for a living & can tell you more about it than you care to know.

Got it.

Thanks for the heads-up.

I am having the same problem for past 5 mos. and the description of error in Application Log for Event Source Msi Installer is as follows:
“Detection of product ‘{14FCFE7C-AB86-428A-9D2E-BFB6F5A7AA6E}’, feature ‘Complete’ failed during request for component ‘{D1CD065C-A220-4662-B10D-E3483F842115}’” I have no idea what product is causing this error, any suggestions to get more information or what product is referred to?
Event Type Warning, Event Category None.
Thx for your assistance.

Looks like the Cisco VPN client 5.0.1. Try uninstalling and reinstalling. If that does not work, this link may help.

Thanks for the reply, I really can not use Cisco VPN as this was needed to use work computer from home and my access has been turned off. Since I am now retired I don’t need this software any longer but when I go to uninstall using Add/Remove programs it does not show up. How to best remove this from my machine? It is apparently not installed, yet the folder and programs are still in Programs Files under Cisco VPN Client. Can I just delete all these files to stop the Windows Installer error?

Did you try the link? It is a bit complex, but should help.

Thanks I have read through this link, but was not sure if I can create ini file simply by copying and pasting into notepad and saving as *.ini? Also where would I be able to find and download the 2 files, instmsiw.exe and instmsi.exe? Your help is most appreciated.

I have found the file instmsiw.exe on my C drive in another folder, but not instmsi.exe. Since I am running Windows XP Home SP 3 I believe that I don’t need instmsi.exe. Is the command to run vpnclient_setup.msi/quiet OK as I don’t see any reference to the ini file that I just created.

run msconfig, and look for it in the startup. You can just disable it there !.
Or remove the file from C:\windows\installer.\ < matching directory or files>

It may work - give it a try.

Otherwise, try the tool I linked to upthread.