Many moons ago, a thread on this subject limited itself to the issue of the DMV wanting to be sure the windshield reg/inspection sticker could mot be removed intact.
Given that, it so happens my local agency requires me to never drive with more than just the one current sticker on. Meaning, I suppose, I am expected to cleanly remove sticker A and affix sticker B between 11:50pm on the 31st of the month, and 1:10am on the 1st. Or something like that :rolleyes:
So I’ve heard numerous theories about how to best go about this… They all involve a putty knife/single edge razor blade, which is what I already use (with GooGone to work on the glue residue), but they varyingly recommend speeding it up by first soaking the decal with one or more of: soapy warm water; window cleaner; rubbing alcohol; tar remover; lacquer thinner; WD40… Or, they say affix packing tape to the back, then pull. Or, they advocate a hair dryer on High or a heat gun. Let’s just say I see the potential for many a disaster…
What are the Doper community’s preferred methods for getting rid quickly, safely and effectively of these objects?
No, just go with the single edge razor. After removing the sticker, the residue can be scraped off with the same razor. Or not, it really doesn’t seem to make any difference if you stick the new sticker on over the old goo.
There are stickerremovaltools designed specifically to do this. They use single edge razor blades, giving firm and safe control. If gooey residue resists removal, spray carburetorcleaner or brakecleaner will get it (spray onto rag, then wipe glass – do not spray onto glass, as overshot/drippage can harm some plastics).
Egad, they have windshield stickers there (I assume PR?). Most western states have license plate stickers. Those you’re supposed to peel off every year, although it usually ends up that I make sure the old one is clean and paste the new on top. I assume you can put the new one on as soon as you get it, it’s not possible to do it too early?
I’d shy away from using a putty knife on glass, even the hardened type. Snow scraping tools might work well, if you can even find an equivalent.
Amateurs. As someone who shops at big discount stores (Ross, TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, etc.) where they regularly stick their incredibly sticky stickers on the front glass of all pictures frames, I have become incredibly skilled at removing stickers from glass.
Get some hairspray- the cheaper the better. Seriously, Aquanet, Suave, whatever. Spray directly on the sticker and let it sit for a few minutes. Do a few more sprays if necessary. Then take a credit card and with it at an angle (like you would a razor blade), slowly start to peel the sticker away. I find it’s easiest to do little scrape scrape scrape motions, rather than one big motion. If you get to a section of sticker that is being difficult, spray more hair spray.
Once I experimented with 90% Isopropyl Alcohol and found it had the interesting effect of bleaching out the old sticker. But then I could not properly adhere the new sticker on top of the bleached plastic :smack: Anyway they changed the materials since.
We used to have plate stickers 30 years ago, but the heathens would just rip off your plates. And anyway we had a separate windshield sticker for the inspection since 1972 so PRDoT got us both ways.
Oh yes it’s more than possible, it’s illegal to have more than one sticker on (and thus have overlapping-coverage stickers) and insurance will deny claim if the sticker on the car on the date of the accident is one that is not yet in effect (as part of the coverage here is a no-fault pool tied to the registration itself).
To get into US Steel you must have a sticker that placed in your windshield that is compromised of about 1500 hole-punch dots smushed together so you can’t peel and transfer.
I used to is googone but is smells really good. My father in law suggested boiling water, pouring on a rag (fold it first to save your hand) and holding it on the sticker for a few minutes. Works like a charm.
Are you talking about inspection stickers or registration stickers?
ISTR many states do not even bother with vehicle inspections.
New York (since the mid 60’s) has required the inspection sticker to be on the windshield. Registration stickers were on the license plates until 72/73, when they too became windshield stickers.
This is one thing that Quebec seems to do better than anyone else. Our licence plate (rear only) is undated and our new registration card is valid as soon as you pay for it. Meantime, the cops all have computers with, I guess, cell-phone Wi-Fi and simply in your number to see if the registration is up to date.
I think they do that lots of places and the sticker is a backup or way to verify with a quick visual scan. Here the sticker is only Month/Year, no day. So I got a ticket on (approximation) Sept 14, 2011, and mine expired Sept 9, 2011. The cop couldn’t have verified it was expired by just looking, and he didn’t pull me over for any other cause.