… and don’t come on MY property! It’s bad enough when I go to a store and then come back out to the parking lot, only to find that some asshole has gone around and stuck a flyer or some other advertising shit on everyone’s windshield! It’s one thing to see this happen when in a public place, but imagine my rage when I went out to my car, parked in my own carport, on a Sunday morning to see a small note tucked underneath the windshield wiper. Curious, I pick it up to see what it is. It turned out to be an ad for some tax preparation service! Fuck you, assholes! I do my own taxes online, and even if I did need someone to do my taxes for me this year, I’d go to H & R Block! I’d purposely avoid you for the simple reason that you chose to come onto MY PERSONAL PROPERTY to stick your SHIT on my car!
Apparently this shit-for-brains who went around my complex dropping these turds on everyone’s car didn’t see the NO SOLICITING sign prominently posted at the entrance. I had a good mind to go around and collect these notes, put them in a bag, and then go to this tax place and walk in. When the secretary or whoever asked me what I can be helped with, I’d say, “Excuse me, I think this belongs to you guys”, and then DUMP THEIR SHIT ON THE FLOOR and then leave! But I didn’t have time for this, and I didn’t want to have to go onto everyone else’s property myself.
Has anyone else ever been windshield spammed at home like this? :rolleyes: