Windshield spammers- stay away from my car!

… and don’t come on MY property! It’s bad enough when I go to a store and then come back out to the parking lot, only to find that some asshole has gone around and stuck a flyer or some other advertising shit on everyone’s windshield! It’s one thing to see this happen when in a public place, but imagine my rage when I went out to my car, parked in my own carport, on a Sunday morning to see a small note tucked underneath the windshield wiper. Curious, I pick it up to see what it is. It turned out to be an ad for some tax preparation service! Fuck you, assholes! I do my own taxes online, and even if I did need someone to do my taxes for me this year, I’d go to H & R Block! I’d purposely avoid you for the simple reason that you chose to come onto MY PERSONAL PROPERTY to stick your SHIT on my car!

Apparently this shit-for-brains who went around my complex dropping these turds on everyone’s car didn’t see the NO SOLICITING sign prominently posted at the entrance. I had a good mind to go around and collect these notes, put them in a bag, and then go to this tax place and walk in. When the secretary or whoever asked me what I can be helped with, I’d say, “Excuse me, I think this belongs to you guys”, and then DUMP THEIR SHIT ON THE FLOOR and then leave! But I didn’t have time for this, and I didn’t want to have to go onto everyone else’s property myself.

Has anyone else ever been windshield spammed at home like this? :rolleyes:

I’ve never had them do it to my car in my own driveway. That’s messed up!

Every time I get a flyer on my windshield at a store, I purposely litter the parking lot with it. That way the store knows that someone is targeting their lot, and they can do something about it.

One of my few seeing-red incidents was what I found someone doing that to my car. He’d progressed three driveways down, and was chatting to his political master on the phone as he spammed. I asked him if he had permission to do this. He said he did. I said thank you, took his phone, informed the person on the other end of the line that he’d call him back, hauled back, and threw the phone as far in the woods as I could. It managed to clear a sizable cut in a hill and went over the other side.

I felt bad about it, afterwards.

Yeah. Some assmonkeys from the local gym flyered my parked car (in my garage) as well as all my roommates’ cars and some other cars on the street.

I gathered up all the advertisements I could see and drove over to the gym. I walked in, ripped them into pieces, threw them all over the floor, and walked out.

Once I had a political flyer taped to my garage door! I called up the asshat who was running for office and informed her that she had lost a vote because of that little stunt. She seemed surprised I’d be upset by it. :rolleyes:

I do the same thing and it makes my wife mad when I do it. I tell her that if someone puts trash on my car that doesn’t make me responsible for disposal.

If by spam we mean Chinese take out menus printed on legal paper with such enticing entrees as #149a: The Happy Family, I have to acknowledge receiving my unfair share in the driveway as well. Though not as annoying as Pennysavers – and more of a nuisance than junk mail – they definitely fall under the category of aggravating.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets annoyed by this. I don’t get it in my car at home, no, they come to the door, and stick it in the little crack between the door and the doorjamb. So when I open the door it falls at my feet. I hate this.

When I get one of these (and I do get them on my cars at home occasionally), I make a special effort to call the business and tell them that they left some trash on my car. I let them know that this makes me avoid doing business with them. Usually they’re apologetic, and one local business even told me that he was going to discontinue that form of advertising because he’d gotten a lot of complaints.

So far, the only people who have been assholes about it were the friendly folks at the Church of Scientology.

Once a church left a flyer on my husband’s car which was parked on the street. When they did they just let the windshield wiper snap back into place from a distance. It caused the rubber to warp. My husband called the pastor and complained about it. The church paid for a new wiper blade.

Something tells me he wouldn’t have bothered had it not been a church.

It’s annoying when it happens in the city because some of them design them so they look just like parking tickets.

I disagree with the menus under the door though. As long as they are from different restaurants, I’ll keep them just in case I ever need to order takeout or delivery.

I complained about this here long ago!. Jerks need to keep their paws off other peoples property!

In my case I never was able to track down exactly who did it!:mad: I had the paper work all ready to take them to small claims court for the mess their sandbags made on my car. (sounds like overkill, I know, but you can extract a satisfying degree of justice against assholes using S.C.C. if you know how to use the system!)

It’s not really the menus I’m complaining about…

It’s the tax preparers, and other stuff they stuff in the door.

Our local council did a blanket car flyer operation a few years back, trying to recruit more school crossing supervisors. That was bad enough, but they did it using waxed paper. First it rained over night; paper got wet. Then next morning it was sunny; paper dried out. End result; thousands of flyers welded to windshields all over the city. They were not popular.

But the worse unwelcome flyer I’ve had was the plumbing business that thought it was ok to pin their calling card on my door. :mad:

I have a solution for this problem that’s guaranteed to work. Every time I find an unwanted flyer on my car, I…throw it away, and go on with my life. Jesus Christ you people are wound tight if such minor shit like this bothers you that much. I’m now worried that one of you lives neer a bell tower and we’ll be reading about you in the paper. Seriously, you get that upset over a bloody sheet of paper that takes literaly no more than 2 seconds to dispose of? That’s pathetic! Adults playing Dungeon and Dragons pathetic.

Oh, ESabbath, if you’d done that to my phone, you’d have wound up in jail (for theft) or the ER (for treatment of the ass kicking I would have administered to you for being an asshole) depending on my mood.

I’m so sorry that some people don’t like to get in their car, close the door, see a fucking flier blocking their view, open the door, get out, walk around the door, remove the flier, and then have this piece of paper that they either have to throw on the ground, or take with them to find a trash can. You know what’s really great? When you go to a college and get these fliers 4-5 times a week. You truly can’t see why that might be an inconvenience? Are you that dull?

Windshield spam, eh? OK, here’s a little story about something that happened to me years ago…

I’d just gotten my driver’s license, and was in a hurry to get to school. So instead of driving around and around the small school parking lot, I put my car in a nearby store’s parking lot and headed out. (Yes, I know that’s not SOP, but that’s not the point of this post)

When I got back, I found out that, apparently, some clerk took it upon themselves to scotch tape an extremely snotty note to my windshield, telling me that they’d tried to get my attention about where I was parking and failed.

The tape was carefully placed ALL the way around the 8.5x11 sheet of paper the note was written on. Right spang in the middle of the driver’s side of the windshield.

They might have been peeved that I was apparently ignoring them on purpose, fine, but dude. That kind of stunt in the middle of a Texas summer day? The tape MELTED and fused to the glass.

Not to mention that I’m pretty much deaf to start with. :wally

I spent a good few minutes getting it off so I could move the car, so angry I could barely see straight.

I was SO tempted to go into all 3 of the stores sharing that lot and ask who the hell did it, and then politely inform the offender to their faces that, “I’m deaf, you dumbass. Next time, stick your little mash note under the windshield wiper and don’t make assumptions.”

Still pisses me off when I think about it, nearly a decade later…

Not at all. I’ll repeat it for those of you who are apparently a little short on reading comprehension. When I get a flier on my windshield I (here it comes) throw it away. Then I go on with my life and frankly don’t give the flier a second thought. If you get seriously angry over one sheet of paper, then you absolutely no sense of perspective, or a problem temper. Seek professional help.

And if they’re that much of a pisser to you, complain to campus security and the organization(s) that do that. I bet that makes them stop.


Yes, Weirddave, it was wrong of me to do it. I also think it was wrong of the gentleman to come onto my property and place pictures of dead babies under the windshield of my freshly waxed car, and get a huge greasy handprint on the hood.

I also think it was wrong of him to tell me to go fuck myself when I asked him, politely, to explain exactly why he was tresspassing on my property. At the time, you see, the driveway was fifty feet long… on a quarter mile private road. (The builder never deeded the road to the town. Being the grandson of a builder, we picked up on things like that)

I was fumingly infuriated. I am a polite person, by nature. That is one of perhaps two or three times in my entire life that I literally saw red. I did a wrong thing, but it did stop me from attempting to beat the living crap out of him, which would have been far more wrong.

And if it makes you feel better, he was half a foot taller than I am and several years younger.