Meanwhile, DimSon recieves a warm welcome in Santiago, Chile, for his sterling efforts in bringing the World the unprovoked Iraq Carnage. Looks like his trip to Ottwa next week wil be met just as warmly:
Ever get the impession that we’re in quite a hole, and instead of getting out we’re trying to ‘dig all the way through to China’ ?
I can imagine the new Al Queda recruting videos…
George W talking about how we need to wage a ‘crusade’.
Footage of ‘shock and awe’, Bagdad being lit up like noon at midnight.
George W smirking.
Photos of maimed, bloodied, dead Iraqi civilians.
George W smirking.
Photos of American GI’s in mosques
George W smirking.
Photos from Abu Graib.
George W smirking.
Rapid montage, images of the carnage in Iraq alternating with George W smirking.
Repeating, Max Headroom style, George W saying “bring it on.”
Blood drips down, forming the word “Jihad”.
The point is, Liam, is not that Islamist terrorists are bad. We know this.
Islamist terrorism = Bad Thing. It’s a given.
No. The point is that there is a proportion of fanatics in any population. Of the fanatics, there is a proportion that is prepared to commit violence.
‘Hearts and minds’ policies are the attempt not to induce the proportion of fanatics to grow from the formerly mild-mannered people, and thus induce the proportion of violent motherfuckers to grow. Heavy-handed US military policies contribute to ordinarily decent people turning to the Dark Side.
The attitude that it’s “already as bad as it can get” is a total fallacy. It can get worse, and as long as there’s succulent media fodder of American soldiers whacking mosques for the Islamists to use, it’s destined to.
Why did it “get bad?”
When did it “get bad?”
What was it like before it “got bad?”
Does it all stem from one root?
Does it all have the same goal?
Does it all follow the same patterns?
Just so that we’re discussing on the same ground, please answer those for me.
Elaborate on this.
Well, my point doesn’t touch on the (I believe fallacious) concept that we were inevetibly going to be doing this.
Let’s check paradigms and assumptions and then continue, yes?
I’ll take that bet. I think Ryan_Liam will come back with a long and detailed analysis of why Red Fury is mistaken with coherent arguments and links to multiple sources of evidence.
Of course, Ryan, or any other member of the True Believers, will no doubt be along shortly to explain that the above is simply part of the larger strategy in place for winning Iraqi hearts and minds.
After all, obesity is a certain health risk for children and this is simply a Kevorkian adaptation of the highly succesful South Beach diet. Those who survive will no doubt be eternally grateful to the thoughtful occupying dietitians.
Humanitarian crisis? Bullocks! We simply lack vision.
I’m going to ride the line on this one. Yes, OBL is laughing. He isn’t concerned about the safety of fellow Muslims, and would be pleased to see a few killed if it meant trouble for the US.
However, now that the US is neck deep in this asinine conflict, I don’t see any choice but to grab those who rally the in insurgents. Wherever they are. It is clear to me that, all too often, ‘where they are’ is at mosques. Since schools and mosques were used for their human shield quotient in Gulf War rev. 1, shame on the US for getting involved in this erroneous quest for WMD, where even more innocents are in harms way.