This seems like it will become a debate, even though it is an expressed opinion, therefore I have chosen Great Debates. Please move it if I’m wrong.
It’s been said by some that there is no way to “win” in Iraq. They say that victory is poorly defined, and that our goals can not be achieved the way we specify them, among other things.
Why not redefine our goals?
Goal: No more violence within the borders of Iraq, under any circumstances. (with the exception of the strategy that will follow )
At this point, what would be so wrong with taking the extreme action of just issuing an edict that anyone seen with a weapon of any kind, excepting US Military or Iraqi Police/Military, is killed - no questions asked? We have determined that the motives of those committing the violence are inherently wrong by anyone’s standard of morality, so therefore the motivation must be removed in order for the violence to stop. Remove the people propagating the motivation, and it just peters out. If there are no followers, then those in “charge” of these little jihads will fade away. Notice that this is not the same as “Just nuke it all and let God sort it out.” You just get a few really big, strong battalions of troops, and move across the city or landside removing the threat, but leaving the “civil” civilians.
No more failed diplomacy, no more nifty strategies aimed at reduction of violence, just use more bullets, and go gung-ho on any and all opposition to a non-violent Iraq. Kinda like pre-emptive self-defense but more brutal. It’s not morally worse than who we’d be fighting against, in fact it would be a little better…because innocent civilians do not wield weapons, and therefore would not die by our hand. Eventually there wouldn’t be any weapon-wielders left.
Yes I understand that this is inherently hypocritical, and that fighting fire with fire involves some burning of one’s self. But, I personally don’t think there is any other option but to remove those causing the violence and our strategies thus far have failed.
So who now hates me for voicing an unpopular view? Gimme your opinions.