Wish Alphagene a Happy Birthday!

Alphagene turns 25 today, and I thought that since he loves MPSIMS more than anything (he just won’t admit it), we should all wish him a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Alpha
Happy Birthday to you

Also, I think a great birthday present for him would be a whole litter of kitty cats, or else maybe some figurines of small children doing cute things. What do you guys think?

Happy Birthday, Alphagene! How about a stuffed Pikachu? :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Alphagene!

I’ve got some cuuuuuuuute fuzzy bunny stuffed animals here! All for you!

Cristi, Slayer of Peeps

I made my husband join a bridge club. He jumps next Tuesday.

(title & sig courtesy of UncleBeer and WallyM7!)

I know your life has been an absolute whirlwind of late, Alphie, so I hope the next quarter-century proves to be a perfect charm.


Happy Birthday, Alphagene. I have a “Precious Moments” figurine all picked out for you, so if you email me your address, I’ll ship it right out!

Hey, Alpha! Happy quarter centure. May you have many more.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good dipped in chocolate.

My friend, upon turning 25, realized with horror that she was now too old to try out for The Real World. Aplha, I am terribly sorry I had to break it to ya.

However, my sister’s birthday was yesterday, so I know about you Tauri. Crazy coots.

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!

My iguana's sick.
He's all floppy. Could he have
Reptile dysfunction?
                  -Chef Troy, Haiku Master

Alfalfagene is ONLY 25?!?!?

Holy buttcrack.

Happy Birthday Captain Sarcastic.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.

With love from the poster voted as having the "Most Confusing Username"

Happy Birthday Alpha!

I have some just adorable stuffed teddy bears I can bring out to Chicago and give you. How does that sound? :slight_smile:

(As an aside…you’re the same age as me??? Who knew?)

St. Falcon: Patron Saint of Three Minute Mystery Groupies

Environment? Nah. Mood lighting and ambience is what counts.

  • a genuine WallyM7 sig

Happy Happy Happy birthday. You are still just a baby.

** I’m a 'silly little southern belle ass. Sigh. ** Original by needs2know

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Happy Birthday Alphaboy.

Try not to have a good time…this is supposed to be educational.
-Charles Schulz

Hmmmm, a birthday…should we reinstitute that quaint old custom of the birthday spanking? I’m sure the ladies would rather enjoy it. :wink:

::: Gets down paddle and hands it to nearest feminine gendered doper :::

Hey! Alphagene, come over here and bend over, we’ve got a nice surprise for you.

>>Threads killed, no questions asked, just give me the payment, and I’ll post to it…the kiss of death of late.<<

—The dragon observes

Happy Birthday Alphywalfy.

Hopping Mad Laughing Bug - Patron Saint of Marsupials and Shampoo

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Alpha :wink:
Happy Birthday to you

Serial Poster Girl

Excellent idea, Valerie! Alpha will really enjoy them! I’ll bring the barbecue sauce.



ahhhh…to be 25 again

Hope you are having a great day!

Happy Birthday Alphagene! I don’t know why, but I’ve always pictured you as a chia pet kind of guy.

I’ve found the perfect one for you here: a LooneyTunes chia pet, in your case, TweetyBird! Please let me know a shipping address so that it can be delivered promptly.

Happy Birthday,(late), Alpha! Wish I could hear you sing that cute l’il song yourself, in that boomeranging vox of yours.

In your honor, I’ve done a velvet painting of Jack Lord, in the 70’s Big-Eyed Child style. Awwwwww!

A day late and a chia pet short, but I sure hope you had a very happy birthday, Alphagene!

Dang, elelle, you beat me to it. I found just the perfect painting of drippy-eyed waifs–on black velvet, natch–but now I’ll have to drive all the way back to that street corner and see if the vendor will take it back.

And the black-velvet waif was cuddling the most adorable kitten…

Ah, Alpha, you lizard-hearted putz, let a fellow Tauri wish you a happy birfday! (Oh, shit, somebody get Alpha a basin, he’s heaving again…NOT the dog’s food bowl!..)

Hey, I know! I’ll get you a year-long astrological projection!

::beams happily::

Oh, quit yerking already.
