I heard on NPR earlier today that the suspect had her clothes already torn off when they boarded the train! I’m sure hoping that nobody intervened because they feared collaborators.
This story makes me wonder if he’s done this, and gotten away with it, before!
Given the lack of detail or clarity in the story, I would advise caution in assuming it’s accurate. As this article notes, the Kitty Genovese story turned out to be a stack of lies (this article actually understates just what a myth that is) so you don’t really know just yet.
The title: " A woman is raped and onlookers record it: the story beyond the outrage" makes it sound like an established fact.
Quoting from the article
The story of a woman raped on a Southeastern Pennsylvania Transport Authority (SEPTA) train in Philadelphia while onlookers reportedly recorded video with their cellphones but did not intervene or call 911 is mind-bogglingly horrific. It suggests not only a total disregard for women’s safety and wellbeing, but social disintegration; a disturbing impulse to filter terrible events through the lens of entertainment and shock value, and the disturbing ability to dehumanize suffering by mediating it through a screen.
That is, if the events happened as they are being reported. So far, the factual universe of this case has come from the police, who are not necessarily always reliable sources.
Italics, bolding mine. If you hid the name of the source I would probably assume it was some unreliable source looking for clicks.
For a long time, I rode the Market Frankford El twice a week. I like to think that if I witnessed a rape, I’d try to stop it. Besides other passengers cell phones, most cars contain surveilance cameras. I don’t think I’ve witnessed an assault, rape or theft on the el. I don’t know what the truth is here- I’m sure a rape happened. But, did the other passengers know it was rape and do nothing? If they thought it was consensual sex, at least 95% would not say anything. The last time I rode the El, it was empty except for a man who chose the seat right next to mine. I was briefly worried by this. I figured he might attempt to assault or rob me. Instead he just shot up. I still cannot figure out why he felt the need to sit right next to the only occupied seat in the car.
Would it be a total dick move to carry a bunch of that shit around all the time and every time you run across some jackhole shooting up in plain view you just run up and zap 'em with that stuff and it straightens them out and they have to go cop again? Just me? Cool, cool, coolcoolcool…
I think you squirt it up their nose, if all my myriad doctor shows aren’t lying to me. Darting the junkies sounds like fun though–but wouldn’t you be the Monkeyslayer? Nobody’s classy enough to smoke opium any more. Sigh.
And all these routes[from fda.gov]:
Naloxone is absorbed not only through intravenous (IV) , but also by intramuscular (IM), subcutaneous (SC), endotracheal, sublingual, intralingual, submental, and nasal routes. Via the IV route, onset of action is within 1-2 minutes….