Women - a question for you all (TMI?)

Drat! Never mind. :wink:

On a scale of 1-10…

girl/girl = 2
girl/guy = 4
guy/guy = 10
hot guy/hot guy = 298754321096743680246503245

You’ll have to excuse me now…

I like this too. At my Xmas party a couple years ago, myself and a friend’s gf were trying to get our boyfriends to kiss each other. The more they resisted, the hotter it was. It probably has something to do with making them do something they otherwise wouldn’t, but I also found her bf attractive (physically; otherwise not my type) at the time, so there was other elements to it as well.

To answer the question though? I definitely find male/male interaction to be sexy, when it involves guys I would be attracted to in a heterosexual sense. If I’m not attracted to a certain physical type under ordinary circumstances, I’m not going to care about seeing them get it on with someone else I’m not attracted to. Same goes for girl/girl stuff.

I don’t really enjoy video or photographic porn though, as it all seems too fakey and put-on to me or just outright boring, so this applies more either to writing like slash, comics, or in some cases anime. Or movies/films where there is a lot of sexual tension and hinting, but not outright porn. Things that leave more room to the imagination, rather than just the thrill of seeing a couple of people do something naughty. For the record, for all practical purposes I’m straight, though I’ve found myself attracted to a handful of girls in my life, I don’t think I could ever have a meaningful long-term relationship with one.

Exactly! It all became clear to me when I read that one of the more graphic authors of anime yaoi was a grandmother who wrote on her laptop while minding the grandkids. Is technology great, or what?

So I’m a gay guy. And I find watching a straight guy discussing that they find straight women discussing that they find guy-on-guy action hot hot, about lukewarm.

Am I normal?

Not yet. But if you submit fully to Jesus’s teachings and suppress your wicked urges, you might be in the future.


If’n all y’all are social deviants because of this, can I be one too?

Miss Mapp stole my line – I discovered slash about the time when I went off to university and discovered this thing called the IntarWeb. :wink: Been happily reading and writing it ever since, although I’ve never been to a slash con.

jinwicked also brings up a good point. If I don’t find the participants to be attractive, it’s not going to get my motor running. There are people I’d gouge my eyes out with a spork first before I even contemplated them within about, oh, a hundred miles of anything lewd and/or lascivious.

I’m a straight guy, and I find women enjoying themselves, hot. :slight_smile:

IMHO, that old attitude is so wrong. To me, a ‘slut’ is someone who indiscriminately and selfishly has sex, even when he or she knows that it hurts the other people involved.

You’re a guy??? :eek:

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

(I know the double-shocked thing bothers some people, but I really am shocked.)

Watching two guys gettin’ it on is only sexy for me if I find the guys personally attractive. For instance, if the guys looked like Matt Damon and Brad Pitt (I don’t find either of them attractive, apologies to those who do :)), I would find it kind of squicky.

Well I’m a straight guy, but I read slash. My friend (female, bi) reads a lot of it, so just to see what she was reading I asked her to send me some and since I’ve been reading a lot, mostly Snape/Harry and Gundam slash, with some Elfslash intermingled. I don’t search for it myself, but if my friend links me some (as she inevitably does) I’ll read it. I also just read FAKE which is a shounen-ai manga.

I like Aragorn and Legolas. :o

i’ve also noticed something: it almost always has to be someone famous. That is, I can’t just read gay porn; it has to be slash or it’s boring.

Now is *that * weird?

2 girls does nothing for me. 2 guys can be interesting (but not say Michael Moore and Gilbert Godfrey). I’d rather read about than see, though.

you SUCK though, putting that horrid image in my head.

Suck eggs.

I’m mostly a Star Wars slash fan, but one popular pairing (Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon) just squicks me out. I mean, both Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are very attractive men, but to me, it seems almost like incest.

Oh, one pairing that had me going: ER, Luka/Carter.


I have no problem with it.

::goes off to hunt for some::

Branding? Damn, you people are kinky.


I’m a straight guy and I find watching a gay guy discussing a straight guy discussing that he finds straight women discussing that they find guy-on-guy action hot hot about lukewarm a real turn-off. Am I normal?

In one of my college courses we had to read selected chapters from “Macho Sluts”, a collection of erotic stories written by a lesbian because she couldn’t find any really hot lesbian books.

It has both straight and gay male sex in it. People like to fantasize about things they would never, and in this case, can’t do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally, when I was a young’un, all the porn I could find was made for guys. It wasn’t hot at all. I still prefer slash, although straight is fine and lesbian stuff so-so. But not just because it’s two guys (although that is hot) but because it’s mostly written by women.

My brain would hurt if I hadn’t already seen this coming.