Women -- Do you like men naked

It seems most men like to see women naked. I know I do. However, it seems some women don’t really like the naked male body and it seems the part they don’t like to see is the scrotum. So, ladies do you like to see men naked? Is there any part you don’t like to see?

I like to see some women naked, but there are some I’d prefer keep their clothes on. I think you’ll find it’s the same for women. Where did you get this thing about the scrotum from? Personally I’ve never been with a woman who has had a problem with my scrotum - seems like a strange thing to pick on!

I am one of the minority. I find women a lot sexier if they are wearing certain clothes. tight t-shirts, tight jeans, silk skirts etc…

I don’t find lace sexy, and I don’t find black leather sexy.

There was a post a while back in which a poster mentioned accidentally seeing some guys scrotum, and was pretty disturbed by it. It sparked this big debate which sadly, seemed to be the common sentiment that scrotum=ugly :frowning:

And being a human being who possesses a universally reviled body part does not make me feel good :mad:

At least our scrotums are hidden from us by our (cough) other thing.

Now that I think about it I find a…(I am going to type this quicky…) Hairy Vagina to be quite revolting.
Sorry half the population of earth.

But I do like a naked pussy

How many bald vaginas have you made aquantances with, then? I’ve yet to see one. :slight_smile:

I like seeing my boyfriend naked for sure. He’s handsome and has a nice body.

Generally, do I like to see men naked? Yeah, I do. It’s fun, and frankly, there’s no particular part I don’t like to see. I mean, I honestly prefer that guys be in some kind of shape, but unless you’re dating me it really isn’t any of my business what kind of shape you’re in. And anyhow, in a group of naked guys, you could be a bit overweight but have a huge cock, and that would no doubt get my attention, so it all evens out …at least for me, from a “looking-only” standpoint!!

Did that make any sense??

I was reading something somewhere, a poll of women… if they preferred naked men to barely-clad (just the lower underwear). Some said totally naked, some said they preferred men almost nakie. So there are some women who find a man with his balls showing sexy. I don’t suppose this applies in repose - they only mentioned standing, flexing type positions. I must say I look pretty good standing naked, but I’ve never layed down in front of a mirror so I can’t say anything about being supine.

Naked = good. WRT the scrotum, it’s not a big visual attraction, but not repellant. That is to say, I’m not going to spend a lot of time looking at it.

Hilarious that a thread openly soliciting the opinion of women has attracted nothing but men. Wait… I just made it worse:smack:

The OP got me thinking…why don’t you ever hear of peeping toms (what would you call them- peeping janes?)

Is the practice of voyueristically watching people get nekkie a solely male thing?

Next week: “Orgasms: Good or Bad?”

Excuse me. I am female. That’s FEMALE. As in GIRLIE.

Heh, heh. So you all at least have one girl vouyuer who responded. ( Or would that be vouyuese? ) :stuck_out_tongue:

I prefer to see men at least partially clothed. I don’t have anything in particular against the human body in all its glory, I just prefer not to have it waving in my face, so to speak.

I pefer to see woman at least partially clothed, too, so it’s not like I have any specific issues with penii.

Nudity is a good thing - in the shower. Otherwise, I think you should keep your pink parts to yourself unless personally invited to do otherwise.

Okay, another female here, willing to go on record: Yes, I like naked men.

Well, maybe that should be, the kind of men I find physically attractive I think look even finer without extraneous coverings.

As for the Great Scrotum question: <shrug>. I don’t find them either ugly OR attractive. They’re just sort of there, if you know what I mean. Like, oh, knee caps. Unless there’s something really eyecatching about it – a la those baboons with the blue balls – it doesn’t get a whole lot of my attention.

Now, ask me about bellies

Women are most definitely sexier with a minimum of clothing!
ohhhhh boy!

(and no I am not paid by www.whatsbetter.com)

I like seeing men naked, sometimes. There are some men that I would never, ever want to see naked, though.

As far as the scrotum goes, I notice it as a part of the whole package, so to speak. I don’t go zeroing in on just the scrotum.

It depends on the condition of the man. Maybe the scrotum is not aesthetic because we seem conditioned to not like wrinkles.