Women find male genitals replusive, and most men don't even know it

I think men greatly underestimate the amount of disgust women feel towards this part of the male anatomy.

First question you would ask is why then do women have sex with men? Well it’s a transaction. If a man gives her enough resources and emotional commitment, she will give him sex in return. She’ll allow the penis to go inside her. She doesn’t feel any attraction to it, she just knows it makes her man happy, and if he’s happy then she’s happy.

Why is rape so horrible to women? It’s two-fold:
The first thing is that a woman expects to get something in return for sex, either an emotional bond or something material. During rape the man takes it for free, he gives her nothing. This is obviously very bad for her.
The second is the fact women find the penis repulsive. In order to allow it inside her she first needs to psychologically cope with it, she needs to think of it as a necessary part of an emotional bond no matter how disgusting she finds it. In rape there is no bond, the penis going inside is as repulsive to her as a spider crawling around in your mouth.

But without a doubt, the most obvious example is when we hear of those high-profile cases of women cutting off a man’s penis. The vast majority of women erupt in ecstatic cheers and happiness regardless of their political stances. If a woman had maimed a man in any other way, like chopped off his fingers or bit off his lip, most women would either condemn it or they wouldn’t care. But when it’s this particular part of the male she maims, women around the world love it and call her a heroine. “Good on her! That’s so awesome! More women should do it!”. If this doesn’t show the real amount of disgust and revulsion women have towards the male genitals then nothing does.

The problem is most men don’t want to believe this. They don’t want to believe the object of their desires has such a lowly view of them, that their immense attraction to women is not reciprocated. So they’ll deny it, or they don’t want to think about it. They’ll give replies like “You don’t know women”, or “It’s just your penis that’s ugly. Women love mine”, no matter how much evidence you show them.

That’s the weirdest series of utterly wrong assertions I’ve read on this forum in a long, long while.

First phase: Denial.

I can’t see why women would find the OP’s junk repulsive. I’m sure he’s a nice guy.

Oh, here we go.
We’ll start with this video:

So, you’re saying that the only reason women have sex with men is to get stuff? Have you ever entertained the fact that women have sex with men for other reasons? I don’t know, like, let’s see…women actually enjoy sex just as much as men?

I personally don’t find a man’s penis repulsive in any way. I find it to be absolutely beautiful, especially if it happens to be attached to the man I’ve been lucky enough to be with for many years now.

I’m going to take a leap here, and assume you’re a guy. If so, and if you’ve actually encountered this penis revulsion from the women you’ve been with, I think you need to find some different women to share your penis with.

No actually you deliberately misquoted me. I said they have sex to get stuff AND to strengthen an emotional bond.
She learns to “like it” as you say, despite her disgust towards it. It’s the same way you would learn to “like” a cockroach crawling around on your arm eventually, despite your initial disgust towards it.

Also, if you’re genuinely not just claiming you like penises for the sole purpose of contradicting me, i.e. you’re not being dishonest, I guarantee you you’re in a small minority of women.
All you need to do is google “Why are penises so ugly” and you’ll get nearly universal agreement among women that it’s true.

Someone should tell my girlfriend.

Also, anyone got a good recipe for amputated penis?

First off, just to be technical, I did not actually “quote” you. And I sure don’t care enough about you to actually try to “deliberately” derail your oh-so-scientific theory. (BTW, those little things around the word deliberately are quote marks. That means you’ve actually been quoted. Just so you know.)

Second, I think you need to form your own opinions based on real life situations and informed research, not just from the ramblings of some random gal with a YouTube channel.

And third, go out and meet some real women. You’ll be stunned to find that some of us are smarter than you seem to think.

If this has been your experience, then I assure you, your experience is not representative of the entirety of mankind.

Oh ffs. Just google it like I told you. There’s millions of women saying the same thing, not just one random youtube gal.

And everything else I said still holds. If you want proof about the penis cutting reaction I’ll gladly show you the links.

Yes I’m sure all women just want the D.

The plural of “anecdote” is not “data”.

Billions and trillions of women have had sex with men over the course of the existence of the human species. A handful of statements on the internet, which you cannot appropriately judge the context or seriousness of, does not constitute an objective thesis statement on their reasons for doing so.

What about gay men? Do gay men find it repulsive too?

I don’t doubt that many women find the penis visually unattractive. But what does that have to do with sex? When you have sex, you’re mostly not looking at it.

There’s a thing called sampling too. You don’t have to get the the signed statement of every one of the 3 billion women on Earth. If millions of women on the internet and off the internet all agree on it, and far far less disagree, then it’s safe to say it applies to almost all women.

Not in the least.
In fact many researches show that gay men are the only people on Earth who are visually aroused by the male form, including the genitals.

And what controls have you applied to this survey? Is your survey sample representative of the general population? Have you corrected for cultural biases?

Or are you just looking for “data” that confirms what you want to believe?

True. I would just replace the word “many” with “the vast majority”.
