Women, let's hear what you think of this!

All right, here is my idea: Everyone knows that women don’t like having their boobs/butt/or body in general stared at, right? What if every man in the world wore really tight pants every other day? I mean REALLY tight pants, so you could practically see the hair on his nuts? And then on the intervening days all the women would wear skintight clothes: thongs, bike shorts, whatever. On the days that guys wore tight pants the women could freely ogle us to their hearts delight, and on the other days we could do the same to them. Sound fair?
I think this arrangement would do more to equalize the sexes than 120 years of women’s lib has been able to accomplish.

Have you considered all the possible victims of this viewing? I mean, some people don’t want to see people who turn them off in outrageously tight clothing, and some people aren’t going to do that on a matter of principle. I certainly think that the tight clothing option on males and females isn’t flattering for 90% of the people subjected to it. What’s the point?

is that men and women do not appear to feel the same level of urge to ogle.

On the other hand, this would have the benefit of reducing the population–you know how they tell you tight pants can reduce fertility. I think we’re on to something here. :slight_smile:

Where were you in the 60’s & 70s? That was the style.
These days,
Something like 60% of the people are overweight. I don’t want to see them in skin tight pants.