Some women love shoes, though perhaps not as many as TV/Movies/Books would have us believe. On the other hand, some women hate them.
Now me, I don’t like shoes. I hate buying them, and it’s never quick because it takes me a while to find shoes I think I can bear the thought of wearing. As soon as I get home, I take them off. If it were possible to (safely) live in a world without shoes, I’d be one of the happy shoe-less people forever.
It makes me wonder if there’s a correlation between** hate shoes->avoid wearing/buying whenever possible** and love shoes ->wear/buy them whenever possible.
So ladies- or men answering confidently for women they know and/or love- a few questions.( For the purpose of this poll “shoes” are defined as all footwear, so please think of them as a collective when you answer, and don’t allude to exceptions - like sandals or boots- to your preferences) :
Do you love or hate shoes?
Do you like buying shoes?
Do you wear them when unnecessary (ie the comfort of your own home and so on)?
I have fifty-something pairs of shoes in my closet, and probably another fifty-something in storage. I buy shoes constantly.
But I don’t wear them. It’s not so much against shoes as I am a classic barefoot southerner. I will actually get in the car and go places without shoes - I’m talking like friend’s houses or to drop something off at the post office, not class or to run errands for an afternoon. Although I do take my shoes off as soon as I’m sitting in class…
My shoes are off right now while I’m here in my office. My tootsies couldn’t be happier…
I like shoes. I hate it when you go into someone’s house and they make you take them off. I wear them to complete the outfit, so taking them off takes away from the outfit. Especially if I’m wearing heels. I do not want to take them off!! /hijack
I hate shoes. Hate buying them because my size is hard to find (too wide) and hate wearing them because my feet are always hot.
Luckily I live in a place where it’s expected of you to remove your shoes when you come in someone’s house. (Is this unique to Canada? Is it universal in Canada?)
The happiest day of the year is the first day I can wear sandals outdoors.
The saddest day of the year is the first day I have to put on socks. Ugh !
I want to take my shoes off right now !
And, FWIW, half my office (senior policy people) walk around without shoes. Is this common?
One of my friends was trying to prove that I’m a not a real woman, so he asked me, “How many pairs of shoes do you own?”
So I began counting them. "Well, there are my Birkies, my sneakers, my work boots, my wool clogs, my nice black mules and . . . "
And he shouted, “Stop! Just stop! Stop there! If you can actually count them, you’re not a real woman, okay!”
Which I guess is about right. As part of my whole “Dress Like a Grownup” initiative, I went and got a bunch of decent women’s shoes, but after slogging through the snow in them for a week, I ran out, bought an nice pair of black suede Merrill’s Jungle Mocs, and that’s all I’ve worn all winter. Maybe when/if the mud ever dries out, I’ll go back to the “nice” shoes.
So to answer your questions:
I love comfy shoes. Once I find something that is comfy, I will buy the exact same style over and over as long until they stop making them. I don’t really like nice-looking shoes because they are rarely comfy.
I hate shopping for shoes. I have wide feet. If I’m buying something I can get in men’s sizes, I’m okay. Otherwise, I get to chose between having my shoes waaaay too long and therefore ill-fitting and goofy-looking, or pinchy across the toes. Yech.
I like going barefoot outside when the weather’s nice, and at home I have my comfy slippers for winter, and go barefoot in the summer. It feels so good to kick off the shoes and put my feet up on the coffee table at the end of the day. sigh
I have 17 pairs of shoes… I love buying shoes and of course, wearing shoes, especially high heels. I have at least 6 different pairs of high heels in my waredrobe.
Sometimes I do wear shoes around in my own home, but never high heels. Usually it’s a pair of sneakers or my favorite Reebok trainers. I wear them for comfort and warmth around the house, as I don’t own a pair of slippers.
Shortly before my time, I’m told that there was a memo circulated to “remind” the graduate students that shoes must be worn in the building. Tscha, right! Point out the university regulation that sez that! Lots of bare feetsies 'round here in the summer. Not so much in the winter. (They don’t keep the heat up high enough for that.)
I have a love/hate relationship with footwear. I wear women’s size eleven, which many shoe stores don’t seem to carry.
Since it’s damned hard to find anything to put on my behemoths, I sometimes will buy impractical shoes, simply because 1) they’re cute, and 2) they actually fit me! I have a closet full of such purchases that rarely get worn.
I usually only wear sturdy walking shoes, because otherwise I get sore legs and backaches. I don’t go barefoot very often. I’ve splattered my big feet with boiling liquids while cooking meals, and have found many a Lego hidden in the carpet with them. I’m 5’5" tall, so my feet are somewhat out of proportion with the rest of me. As a result, I’m klutzy enough to ensure frequent stubbed toes. Also, my cat sometimes goes on running jags around the house, and a couple of times she’s gouged my instep with her claws as she goes flying past me.
So I guess I’d have to say:
I love shoes.
Buying shoes is a personal challenge and I love/hate it. The shoes I need the most (Rockport-type shoes), are often the most expensive, and I wear them out quickly because I walk a LOT. I hate coughing up the dough for them as often as I have to.
I wear shoes almost all the time, but mostly practical ones.
Umm, haven’t really thought about it, and it struck me as a weird question – like asking if someone loves or hates forks or notebook paper, or any other useful but mundane item. I guess that means I don’t have a strong emotional reaction to shoes.
No, but I don’t absolutely hate shoe shopping now that I’ve figured out what kind to buy.
Yeah, most of the time, unless I feel like putting my feet on the furniture or something.
I hate shoe shopping. I have big feet (10 1/2, but usually they don’t make half-sizes that big, so I have to round up to 11) and they’re WIDE. They don’t make attractive shoes in the big and wide sizes (I suppose one could say that big and wide and attractive are mutually exclusive, but I try to be optimistic). Or I’ll see cute display models (which are usually a size 6 or something), but they look fugly after scale up and I don’t want them.
I don’t like wearing shoes indoors. In the summer, I wear sandals rather than shoes.
I’m fairly indifferent to shoes. They’re something to protect my feet when necessary, and occasionally to be dressy and look good, but I don’t pay that much attention to them.
I don’t hate it, though I dislike buying dress shoes/heels. For my daily wear/clumping around campus shoes I’ve started buying men’s shoes - they’re wider across the ball of the foot and so much more comfortable to me.
If I don’t have to have them on, I’m generally barefoot (or in sock feet if it’s chilly).
I don’t love or hate shoes. I’m pretty apathetic about them, except when it comes to uncomfortable shoes. Those I hate with a passion.
When I find shoes that fit comfortably I wear them until they are falling apart. ie my sneakers last me 6 months because I wear them whenever I don’t have to wear dressy shoes and my dressy shoes last me maybe a year or two depends how much I have to wear them and how often I feel like wearing them.
In total I have about 6-8 pairs of shoes. Tevas, sneakers, dressy shoes and boots. But when I can possibly get away with it I go barefoot. I even have a pair of backless shoes that I slip off whenever I sit down in class or wherever.
I only go shoe shopping when absolutely necessary. Like when I need specific shoes for a job (like non slip, black shoes which I don’t usually buy on my own) or if the pair I have need to be replaced because they are falling apart. Which reminds me I need new sneakers, I haven’t bought any since the last pair I had completely fell apart at the start of winter.
Neither unless they hurt, then I hate.
Not especially. It’s a necessary thing.
Not at all, I don’t like wearing shoes when inside and when it’s warm I go barefoot as much as possible.
Used to love shoes…but now pretty much am indifferent & nostalgic for the old days
HATE shoe shopping
Can’t walk barefoot, but almost never have shoes on while sitting at home, and frequently at work, too
I’ve developed structural/mechanical foot problems. I have to wear huge orthodics to walk with a lesser amount of pain. I mean these things are like the size of Vermont & about that shape, too. Since I got these orthodics I’ve bought one pair of shoes – New Balance 962 – and have worn them almost every day. I wear them with skirts, with shorts, with jeans, etc. I dread going show shopping again because every effing pair that remotely fits (other than these New Balance ones) looks like something my Gramma wore after her stroke or is a man’s Birkenstock that costs $180.
I LOVE shoes, especially with heels. I am, as I type this, wearing a pair of black Calvin Klein pumps with 3 1/2 inch heels.
I LOVE buying shoes. I recently spent $500 on shoes (and only bought 3 pair). I haven’t counted, but I would bet that I own at least 60 pair (not all as expensive as the three I bought recently!). As far as I’m concerned, you can’t overspend on good shoes.
I usually wear rubber-bottomed slippers around the house- I’d go barefoot, but my husband thinks that sub-Arctic temperatures are acceptable all year 'round, and my feet get so cold they literally turn blue if I don’t have something on my feet.
I think all these women who talk about loving shoe shopping are either lying or crazy. Out of resect for my fellow posters who have claimed such a fondness, I will assume it is some aspect of the the Great Female Conspiracy that I was not informed of (well, none of us know the whole Plan, for security purposes).
That said, when I happen on a pair of cool shoes, well, I do enjoy wearing cool shoes. For example, those Doc Marten knock offs, made of some kind of blue rubber. Or those thigh-high leather boots I used to have (no, I was not a dominatrix. If I were a dominatrix they would have had heels). Or these elegant, squared-toed pumps I’m still looking for an excuse to wear (so far I’ve only worked them into a pornographic picture I took of myself. Well, it was a very elegant pornographic picture.)
That said, I go barefoot whenever possible. I upset people by blithely walking through snow and over broken glass barefoot, rather than put on shoes when I don’t absolutly have to. I don’t think I can imagine walking around my own house in footwear of any kind.
And yet I got two pairs of slippers for Christmas, from people who obviously don’t understand me at all.
I hate shoes. I hate socks. I go barefoot when & where it’s safe, acceptable and warm enough. At home in the summer definitely.
I have 2 pairs of work shoes, one pair of hiking/walking shoes, pair of sandals, and a few different colors of dress shoes. Most in that last category are not in the best of shape because I hate having to pay so much for something that is uncomfortable, which most dress shoes are.
There was a time when I would wear those spiky stiletto-heeled shoes with the real pointy toes. They make your legs look sexy. After wearing them for a couple of hours they made my muscles cramp and when I’d take them off, my toes would go into weird, curled-up spasms that were very painful. So the sexy part wasn’t worth much for that moment! I don’t wear those any more.
Did someone mention SHOES? Oh, happy, happy day…
I fit the stereotype of the “woman with too many shoes”. Just bought 6 pairs last week to herald the warmer weather. This morning I noticed a storage box at the top of my closet, and…found 6 more pairs that I bought late last summer and had forgotten about!!! Please do not ask how many pairs live with me.
It was a good day.
Yes, I love shoes (but not CFM pumps).
Yes, I love to buy them (except for the $$$ part).
At home, I’m barefoot unless I have to go out in the yard (fire ants are not kind to bare feet).
And I still need navy heels, not too high, must be leather, and I hate the ultra-pointy toes - the search continues…
(disclaimer: I do not otherwise fit the stereotype mentioned)