I was inspired by Mrsface’s thread about men and their turn-offs, so now it is the women’s turn. Here are mine in no particular order:
1-Excessive body hair (when a man removes his shirt and it looks like he is wearing a sweater vest underneath)
2-The unibrow (the kind that looks like a mustache has accidently grown above your eyes)
3-Bad breath (breath mints were put on this earth for a reason, as were toothbrushes/paste and mouth wash)
5-Poor hygiene (it can be sexy to a point, but when your hair looks like you soaked your head in a vat of grease its not good, and body order is icky.) Dirty fingernails, nasty.
6-Men that feel the need to play the music in their car so loud that my ears begin to bleed and they are in the car 2 lanes over with their windows rolled up, and we have all heard “in Da Club” enough already, turn it down.
7-Men that wear bikini undies…to me, that is hysterical, not sexy, especially in animal prints…but that is a whole different post.
ok, and someone you would not sleep with, even for a huge sum of money
Bill Clinton (he would only deny it)
Carrot Top (nough said)
Jack Black (maybe if I was blindfolded and unconscious)
Ned Beatty (sure does have a pretty mouth on him…that movie scarred me for life)
Saddam Hussein
Ok, anyone else care to list?
Margo (must go and cleanse my brain, I just pictured Carrot Top naked and writhing)