Women-What turns you off?

I was inspired by Mrsface’s thread about men and their turn-offs, so now it is the women’s turn. Here are mine in no particular order:

1-Excessive body hair (when a man removes his shirt and it looks like he is wearing a sweater vest underneath)
2-The unibrow (the kind that looks like a mustache has accidently grown above your eyes)
3-Bad breath (breath mints were put on this earth for a reason, as were toothbrushes/paste and mouth wash)
5-Poor hygiene (it can be sexy to a point, but when your hair looks like you soaked your head in a vat of grease its not good, and body order is icky.) Dirty fingernails, nasty.
6-Men that feel the need to play the music in their car so loud that my ears begin to bleed and they are in the car 2 lanes over with their windows rolled up, and we have all heard “in Da Club” enough already, turn it down.
7-Men that wear bikini undies…to me, that is hysterical, not sexy, especially in animal prints…but that is a whole different post.
ok, and someone you would not sleep with, even for a huge sum of money
Bill Clinton (he would only deny it)
Carrot Top (nough said)
Jack Black (maybe if I was blindfolded and unconscious)
Ned Beatty (sure does have a pretty mouth on him…that movie scarred me for life)
Saddam Hussein

Ok, anyone else care to list?

Margo (must go and cleanse my brain, I just pictured Carrot Top naked and writhing)

Guys who think they have to impress with their money, car, etc.

Anyone who’s mean to/doesn’t like kids or animals

Homophobia and racism


Willful ignorance

Poor hygiene

Lack of interests or direction

Those are all pretty much dealbreakers for me.


– Not being able to carry on an intelligent conversation with me. (I feel bad saying this, but this includes people who may be extremely intelligent, but with whom I don’t have a common language. Sorry, Marco :frowning: It also includes those who don’t grasp the fact that conversations involve listening as well as talking.)

– Being excessively concerned about your appearance, to the point of having, say, a dozen different hair care products.

– Bragging, especially about one’s money / material possessions. (Bragging about other things is merely boring; assuming that I will be more attracted to you because of your earning power is an insult as well.)

– Emotional manipulation.

– Being a picky eater. (Yes, I know this one is shallow and petty, but it drives me nuts.)

You didn’t say if we were supposed to post our ages in this thread, but I’m 26 (exactly two days older than CuriousCanuck as it happens).

I third the poor hygiene thing. What’s so hard about taking a freaking shower every day?? It’s not like you have to spend time afterwards blowdrying and curling your hair. It should take about 15 mins out of your day. Also, please brush your teeth twice a day. When I’m in the mood, the best way to turn me off? Acting like brushing your fangs is part of foreplay.

Also, I am very turned off by guys who cannot take care of themselves. You know, going to the dentist/doctor regularly, eating vegetables (gasp!! adults actually do that!), and keeping your living place clean. Freshening spray doesn’t cover up all that much.

BO - just nasty, God invented soap and deordorant for a reason !!!

  • Mean with money - I’m talking about people who would peel an orange in their pocket rather than let you know in case you wanted some
  • Pure and utter ignorance
  • Racism, homophobia, sexism… lots of other isms too
  • Lying
  • Disloyalty
  • Insenstivity
  • Huge ego for no reason

1-Excessive body hair – Nope. No Robin Williams, me.
2-The unibrow – Nope.
3-Bad breath – Nope.
4-Arrogance – Only when I’m trying to be funny.
5-Poor hygiene – I like being clean.
6-Men that feel the need to play the music in their car so loud – Nope.
7-Men that wear bikini undies – Definitely not.

  1. Guys who think they have to impress with their money, car, etc. – I am not attracted to women to whom these things matter.

  2. Intelligent conversation – I can do that, if you don’t mind humour thrown in.

  3. Appearance – Not concerned.

  4. Bragging – I don’t think so.

  5. Emotional manipulation – Not my style.

  6. Being a picky eater – I’ll eat anything I cook, and I’ll try most things.

  7. Mean with money – Nope. I like to buy things for people.

  8. Pure and utter ignorance – I think I’m pretty well-red and well-informed.

  9. Racism, homophobia, sexism… – Hate 'em.

  10. Lying – I’m a poor liar. It’s much easier to be honest.

  11. Disloyalty – I’ve never cheated in a relationship.

  12. Insenstivity – Erm… Well, I am a guy, after all. But I think I’m less insensitive than a lot of guys.

  13. Huge ego for no reason – Good lord, I’m surprised me and my ego can fit in the same room! (Actually, I’m proud of my achievements but I try not to make a big deal about them.)

Where to start…

I could say I’d never sleep with snobs, bigots, fanatics, or any bloke who was remotely smug in his approach to life - which would be quite true but I think I’ll keep this trivial.

Turnoffs then…

Very small eyes

Bad breath

Vanity - there 's no bigger turnoff than a man who thinks he’s a looker, and no bigger turn-on than a man who thinks he’s an ugly bastard but isn’t

Shaved heads, but also…

…long, flowing hair (sorry)

Little pointy beards with shaved bits in between

Middle-aged men who dress like kids

Pale eyelashes

Men who give you half-assed compliments, eg: “your eyes are quite nice, really”

Men who never ask you a single question about yourself (after you’ve been given the rundown on his whole life)

Smelly feet, fusty clothes, farting etc (but you know that)

Tiny little snake hips (these are supposed to be sexy - not to me)

Vast bottoms (particularly if shoulders are narrow)

Ownership of aggressive, ugly dogs (penis substitutes?)

Aggressively clean-living, puritanical, wholesome types who equate physical with moral health

Men I wouldn’t sleep with for £1m? From a purely physical point of view (ie there’s plenty I wouldn’t sleep with for political/moral reasons, but I might find attractive):
George Bush, Eminem, Mick Jagger, Andy Warhol

My ideal man? Bill Pullman xxx

My biggest turn-off (aside from things like egregious personal hygiene) is any whiff of male chauvinism. If a guy gives me any indication of condescension or believing he’s superior to me just by virtue of the fact that he’s a guy, that’s it for me.

Of course, I’ve been married to a wonderful non-chauvinistic guy for coming up on 15 years, so it really isn’t an issue. :slight_smile:


low self-esteem
lack of goals
long hair
baggy pants that keep falling down

Turn-offs for me:

  • Typical Aussie drunken idiots
  • Chest hair
  • Cradle-snatchers [guys who ONLY date girls 18 and under - that’s just nasty]
  • Obese
  • Homophobic, racist, sexist etc
  • Unibrows
  • Jocks
  • Shallow guys
  • Straight-laced Christians/Catholics
  • No sense of humour
  • Lack of intelligence
  • Abusive
  • Boring and uncreative
  • Leerers [even worse are drunken leerers - “howsh it goin pretty ladieee? Cor! Check out the titsh on that one!” leer, drool, stumble]

… okay, anyone who isn’t Jason Isaacs or Edward Norton, basically :smiley:

  1. Fanatics and crusaders. I don’t care to spend an entire date listening to someone yammer about the need to save the poor oppressed head lice of the world. Lighten up.

  2. Arrogance or a domineering attitude.

  3. Bragging about getting into fights. As Queen Victoria supposedly said “We are not impressed.”

  4. Racism.

  5. Drunkeness. I don’t mean social drinking or even getting drunk occaisionally, I mean the “instant A–hole, just add beer” type of drinking.

  6. Self pity. It gets old very quickly.

  7. Actually believing conspiracy theories. I know they’re fun to talk about, but if you really think that Jesus escaped the grave and married King Dagobert the 14th and was the father of FDR, who had Kennedy assassinated because Tupac Shakur wouldn’t return Hillary Clinton’s phone calls because Marilyn Monroe had told him she was the man who fired ICBM’s at the Pentagon on September 11 in order to divert people’s attention away from the space aliens taking over the secret bunker at Roswell to make a hiding place for Hitler…like self pity, paranoia gets old quickly.

  8. Road rage.

  9. Willful ignorance.

I’ll add a ‘me too’ to most of what everyone’s said here. Plus, guys who disrespect what I do for a living, or act as though I’m either unambitious/unintelligent for doing it. You’ve never taught, so keep an open mind; broadcasting your ignorance is unattractive and in this case, unkind.

Low self esteem and bitterness. Men, the whole depressed and angry at all women thing is NOT attractive. Men who can never shut their faces about how lame they are are absolutely correct. They are lame, but I really wish they’d keep quiet about it. Even better than that are the men who yammer 24/7 about the evils of women. Right on, that’s a good way to impress me on a date. Talk about how all woman are the same; petty, wicked, selfish, insensitive, gold-digging, shallow, dishonest and manipulative. As a female, I take well to these false generalizations. I especially like when they feel the need to follow it up with, “Oh not, not you. You’re different” Uh huh, it’s the rest of my kind. Gotcha.

  • So … umm… like umm… hi. Do you like… stuff?

  • Just let me check a mirror, fix that twist in my hair… a little more gel and… There. That ought a get it. Now that my hair looks good… how YOU doin’?

  • Anyway, I just took the Ferrari out to get waxed. Hell, I paid 400K for it, it should look good. It’s a great vehicle to surround myself and my 11 inch penis.

  • Now I told you that I loved you, why can’t you even give me one little backrub? Remeber when I did all those things for you out of love?

  • Since we are done our little chat, can you bring me a turkey sandwich with Hellman’s Ultra Light lowfat Mayo, roma tomatoes sliced lengthwise, and the inner leaf of fresh iceburg lettuce. Cut the corners off to would you, and then cut into 4s with a toothpick holding them together and a dill pickle sliced in 3 equal slices? Otherwise I won’t eat it.


Actually, all I wanted to say was Happy Early Birthday :slight_smile: Taurus Dragons unite! :slight_smile: We’ll have to toast eachother sometime :slight_smile:

-facial hair
-bad shoes

Other than the top four, I’m your worst nightmare. :smiley:

Is nobody going to say it ??

Nose-picking ! Why guys do this in public is beyond me. I know guys who do it at meetings. You look over there and he’s up to his third knuckle.


People diss teachers?! :confused: Why? Teachers rock! (Okay, so I hated a fair number of them, when I was a kid. But, that was the natural adversarial relationship of taskmaster versus lazy kid.)

Which reminds me…I haven’t seen laziness on these lists. Is this not one of the deadly sins? And, amazingly, no one’s mentioned smoking, either. Or, are you all just assuming no one worth dating would smoke?

I don’t think I’m anyone’s dream date, but I’m apparently no one’s worst nightmare, either. On a good day, I might make it past three or four of these checklists. On a bad day, maybe one or two. Most of them, I miss by one item. Some I miss by a mile. (What the hell are bad shoes? And, why do I suspect that the fact that I don’t know means I’m wearing them?)

And, NinetyWt? Do all of us a favor and walk up behind those nosepickers and give them a whack in the back of the head just as they reach that third knuckle point. That’s just unacceptable behavior beyond kindergarten.

Happy early birthday, CC :slight_smile:

partially shaven bodies and oil (like wrestlers)-yuk
exaggerated self importance
baggy clothing
excessive cartoon watching