So if money were not a concern and you could be sure of a good outcome, what would you wish for your breasts? Bigger? Smaller? Reshaped? Exactly as they are? Also in your response include your age, if you’ve been pregnant, and their current size.
How 'bout no.
You know they have porn on the internet now, right?
Mine are fine as they are.
I didn’t ask for pictures, I was just curious if women were satisfied with theirs.
Do you really think the ladies here are going share their breast sizes with you? I’m sure most here find that a bit personal.
Sounds like homework.
Screw this thread. FFS.
I believe current Dope guidelines call for an automatic warning if a “pics or it didn’t happen” post is made.
Let’s turn this around, and ask: “Men, what would you like to do with your dicks?”
My answer would be obvious: Nothing, thanks. Eleven inches is quite enough.
Best and brightest post here, for sure. Good god.
I would like to throw 'em over my shoulder like a Continental…oh, wait. No. No, that’s my ears. Sorry.
Never mind.
If it didn’t necessitate surgery, I’d quite happily get rid of mine altogether. They served their purpose breastfeeding four kids, I’m post-menopausal, yet I still have to pay a bloody fortune for bras until the day I die (bras ain’t cheap!)
Why can’t they just shrivel up to nothing like my ovaries did??
Surgery is fine if a woman’s physically uncomfortable with her boobs, but to women who want to have surgery for cosmetic reasons: You’re PERFECT the way you are. It’s the cosmetics industry and mass media telling you you’re not. Don’t listen. You are already gorgeous. xoxoxoxo
Yeah, I think the main issue for many isn’t the cost, it’s the whole bodily integrity/surgery thing.
A better question might have been "if your breasts could be any size and shape you wanted, would you change them? What have you got and what would you like?
I voted for “leave them as they are” because I see no reason to undergo unnecessary surgery.
Yes, eleven inches is plenty, so I’d like mine to be shorter.