Women: Would Cutting Your Hair Be A Punishment To You

I’d be upset if it was done as something to mark me as an outcast. That would be humiliating. If I lost it to chemo or something, I’d be more upset about being sick than losing my hair.

Then again, I’ve never had nice hair. So I wouldn’t miss what I have all that much. Heck, I’d probably look much better with wigs!

It would be a punishment for me. My hair grows really slowly and it took a really long time to get it to its current length. I like short hair, and I like long hair, but I can’t stand the stages in between so making me go through that again would be very mean.

I keep my hair almost crewcut short. That is MY choice. If it was forced on me out of malice, it would be terribly upsetting.

Now…the reason I keep it this short is because I was getting my hair cut and someone crashed their car into a post outside the store. We (stylist and myself) both jumped and she cut a big hunk of hair almost to the skin. I think she was more upset than me, btw. I told her to do what she could and this style is what she came up with. I had NO idea how much I’d love hair this short and would have never tried it if that guy hadn’t slammed into the post.

(runs hand over head, its time for another cut)