Wonder Woman flat chested? That is some kind of series reboot.

Normally I’d never care about the appearance of any actress in a role. Wonder Woman is different. There are comics of her from the early 1940’s up until the 90’s. She has a very distinctive appearance. Her large bosom and red,white and blue costume are iconic symbols of her character.

Superman has his red codpiece and Wonder Woman wears a bustier. They are characters created in the 30’s and 40’s. Their image reflects that time period.


Have you seen Man of Steel?

I look forward to your thread complaining about the size of Henry Cavill’s junk.

don’t forget Batman’s nipples.

I wouldn’t mind Snyder picking a thin Wonder Woman if the person playing her could act.

On top of being a model, Gadoot knows nothing about the character.

It doesn’t matter a lot to me since there is no way in the Universe I’ll watch this movie, or anything else Snyder does, but that actress will make a lousy WW. I agree that a Xena-period Lucy Lawless would have been ideal. Of today’s crop, Melissa McCarthy is closer than Gal Gadot.

My dad’s joke was, “She’s called ‘Wonder Woman’ because it’s a wonder that her costume stays up!”

Personally, I think Darwyn Cooke, the artist behind DC: The New Frontier got it right, with a Wonder Woman who was busty and meaty and looked like someone who could brawl with the best of them.

If you took somebody like Robyn Lawley and put her on a serious strength training regimen… yikes.

Tina Fey or bust

Ugh, that is some seriously bad artwork. I’m glad I dumped comic books long ago.

But really, just about every comic book heroine has dimensions that are as realistic as a Barbie doll. I can’t stand the fanboy bickering over looks everytime a comic book movie comes out. Just make a decent, fun movie.

Agreed. People forget that Brad Pitt didn’t look like Achilles before he started training for Troy and Liam Hemsworth put on lots of muscle to play Thor.

Personally, I’d have thought Jamie Alexander(Sif) would have been a great choice, but I can understand being leery about her because she’s already tagged as Lady Sif.

I swear, it was like seeing a completely different person in the role.

Brother, you ain’t kidding.

Gina would look killer in the costume (heck, I’d buy a ticket based on that alone), but her acting ability leaves something to be desired.

One look at the new costume convinced me to stay home. I’m not of a fan of rebooting or even reinventing a series. If they don’t think classic Superman is marketable than retire him. Give him that dignity at least. The same goes for Wonder Woman. Don’t change the costume or cast someone that doesn’t fit the part.

They can create their own superhero characters without changing what generations of fans grew up loving.

The way I figure it, Superman grew up in Kansas, and Batman’s a high-society Gothamite, and someone will probably play Lex Luthor as the savviest local in Metropolis, and the fourth-billed-or-lower Wonder Woman will (a) get much fewer lines, and (b) be the archetypal fish-out-of-water type who Ain’t From Around Here in particular and has maybe never even been off Paradise Island before in general.

It’s not Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist, or Dick Van Dyke attempting a British accent; it almost defaults to a point where she’s supposed to sound not-quite-right.

Don’t Gadot’s Mediterranean looks and Israeli accent have that covered?

Gal Gadot has the role so I wish her well. It should be a could career boost for her.

You know, I would hope not, Alessan.

Wonder Woman is - by definition - Mediterranean. She’s greek, after all. Having a woman play her who actually fits the description would be interesting.