You are no longer welcome in The Halls of Justice.
No debate. No complaints.
Turn in your badges, keep you gadgets and go.
[list=a][li]Lasso of Truth []Invisible Plane []Bullet Deflecting Bracelets [/list=a][/li]
About the only Superpower you possess is the quick and expediant way you twirl out of you plain clothes and into you costume.
Good bye.
[list=a][li]Way cool car (bonus points) []Utility belt (minus points)[]Lots and lots of cash [/list=a][/li]
No Superpowers at all, but you can kung-foo your way out of almost any situation. But still no Superpowers. That is a prerequisite to be a Superhero.
Who let you in anyway? No your union dues are not refundable and you keep parking in the Handi-Cap space reserved for Professor X.
Goodbye to you, too. And take Robin with you.
I didn’t mean to imply there is a character called Superwoman; what I meant was that the Wonderwoman character now has powers that one would expect of a female Superman.
…but Batman gets my vote to stay. And he is every bit the Superhero Superman is. He belongs in the Halls of Justice because he represents those of us who don’t fly and who must depend on our wits and God-given strength to fight and outsmart the bad guys.
Besides, Webster’s doesn’t indicate that the word super means being able to fly, just that a person has characteristics “exceeding the norm”.
From a Golden Age comics fan, Batman gets me vote to stay.
And f**k yeah, Batman gets to stay! What Quasi and all the rest of them said. That. Plus, need I remind that in the Dark Knight Returns he kicked Superman’s ass? As a sixty-year old retiree! And Supes knew it was coming, too. Not like the coming showdown wasn’t obvious.
Plus, he had one of the coolest thought chains ever in one of those books: [sub]<crouched in darkness, back to the bad guy>[/sub] "From this position, there are seven working defenses. Three of them kill. Three of them disarm with minimal contact. One of them … " [sub]<THUDD!! boots bad guy in gut>[/sub] “…* hurts.”* Heh heh. Classic anti-hero stuff.
Umm, nope, sorry, she got shot in the back whilst a captive of The Joker; she’s confined to a wheelchair last I checked and was an ultra-hacker-geek with a bunch of computers in a Matrix-style semicircle, and she’s going by the name of Oracle. She was working with Black Canary as her behind-the-scenes tech support gal.
Okay, first of all her name is Wonder Woman. Two words, both capitalized.
Secondly, Wonder Woman has super strength, can fly, and is extremely fast: fast enough to deflect bullets with her wrists. These aren’t powers that she “now” has, as if Revtim is implying that these were added in a retcon. She has always had these powers.
And the twirling-around-thing to change clothes was just in the TV show, not real life-er, in the comics. Or even on the Super Friends show, for that matter.
But the “real” Superwoman was Kristen Wells, a time traveller from a bunch of Elliot S! Maggin Superman stories and one (excellent) novel. She had a dozen or so appearances, but the only time anyone noticed her is to ask “Who th’ heck is that?” when she appeared briefly in Alan Moore’s “What Ever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow”
And, Fiver, great post, with one nit-pick. Wonder Woman (traditionally) can’t fly, she “glides on air currents”. How this differs from flying, I dunno, but that’s what they always said, IIRC.
[sub]Like I’ve always said: *Chicks dig guys who know their comic book trivia![/sub]
I suspect because she appeared during WWII and planes were Kewl. In story context, I suspect it’s because there weren’t always friendly air-currents to glide on. And it would be tireing, gliding across the Atlantic.
Oh, Fenris. I knew that. You knew I knew that. But is it really an important distinction in this thread, where the OP didn’t even spell her name correctly?