Woo f'in hoo, The LOTR trilogy in theaters. I got my ticket

I bought my on the internet so I’m not sure what dropped balls you’re talking about.

Hmm, reading through posts on other boards I got the impression that several sites had major problems selling tickets online. And that many people who were depending on it got shafted and now can’t go. I guess you’re just lucky that Texas wasn’t one of those places hit.

The nearest place that’s playing them to here is Shreveport, Louisiana, and Gunslinger doesn’t feel like going all the way over there and spending twelve hours in a theater, so no LOTR trilogy for me. I’ll just have to do a three-nights-in-a-row thing at my house and watch the two movies on DVD and the next night go to the local theater for the last installment.

SuaSponte and I are gonna see it in Boca Raton, which is about half an hour from our place. The theater had two sorts of tickets available: regular seats or – for twice the price – reserved loveseats in the balcony, with waitress service.


Hehe…[taunting]we have tickets! We have tickets![/taunting]

Supervenusfreak and I are going to see it on an IMAX(!!!) screen in King-of-Prussia, PA. [taunting]And we have tickets! We have tickets![/taunting]

Not only are we seeing the last film there, we are seeing the first two uncut versions of the trilogy there the same day, besides one of the biggest malls in the area. We will have so much fun that day.