Woohoo! I quit!!

Well, I finally did it…I quit my job today!

I tried to quit about a year ago but my boss gave me a new company truck, a raise, and an assistant just to get me to stay. Obviously, it worked. Things were great for about 7 months. Over the last 5 months he has turned into a monster. I have done everything in my power to make it work. I tried talking to him about what was bothering him, I tried yelling back, I tried everything…even offering him a spare room in my house if he needed somewhere to live (he has a very shaky marriage). Nothing worked. Today was it - I couldn’t take the yelling and cursing anymore and today he upgraded to throwing things. So, I told him that he had my 3 weeks notice. He said good and I agreed.

YAY!!! :smiley:

Good for you! You shouldn’ have to deal with abuse like that in any part of your life.

Good luck finding a new job, if that’s what you want!

Congratulations from Suburban Plankton and me.

You just did exactly what I did last July. I was in a pretty horrible work situation. Kept getting promises that it would get better. Final straw: I was picked to be the sacrificial lamb in a multi-person error. My boss (who didn’t like me much anyway) decided my punishment would be an unrequested transfer to another department. I gave 3 weeks notice instead. He accepted, knowing he needed me to train my replacement since noone else in our department really had the least clue how to do my job.

I’m really glad you took the stand and are going to be out of that awful situation. Are you looking for something new? Good luck!

Do you get to keep the assistant? :wink: