Words fail me. Tablet stolen from woman with cerebral palsy

The incident. A couple with cerebral palsy were targeted by a pair of scumbags in a mall. I feel like the two morons should be sentenced to a Darwin Award.

The thieves are pretty clear on the tape, hopefully they’ll be identified.

I agree with the pitting, but your insult is insultingly weak. How do you sentence someone to a Darwin award? You win one from being killed by your own stupidity.

If they are executed wouldn’t that do it, at least as indirectly causing their death through their own stupidity?

I ended up with ‘words fail me’ because if I went further it would just become an incoherent rant. Of all the stupid idiotic psycopathic behavior there is in the world this shouldn’t rank that high, but something about it just gets to me.

No, that’s not really how Darwin awards work.

I’m no lawyer, but I’m pretty sure you can’t be executed for stealing.

Wait, Tripolar, do you think the thief should receive a death sentence for this stupid crime?

No I don’t think that. But I do feel that way. They’ll likely be caught, and nothing much happen to them. This is just sort of a ‘last straw’ type reaction from me.

Why? Just because the victim is disabled? The woman in the article certainly implied she didn’t want to feel that way:

nice one!:slight_smile:

Of course, but the guy is an asshole to steal from someone who couldn’t catch him.

I admire her mettle, but on the other hand… they grabbed her tablet and got away. So they sort of *did *pick the right person to go after, from a practical standpoint.

On the other hand, stealing from someone you know you can outrun is hardly stupid. If you’re going to be a thief, that sounds like the smartest way to do it.

A thief who steals from someone who can catch him is still an asshole, but he’s also not a very good thief.

Did you really mean to imply that someone who steals from an able-bodied person is not an asshole?

Good point.
How about people who are confined to a chair get to carry paint guns in public.
The cops just go looking for fellows with a big splotch of orange on their person.

My legs work fine. Why can’t I carry a thief-marking paint gun too?

No offense, but the woman in the video didn’t strike me as an expert markswoman. Once she opens fire, “find the ones with orange spots” isn’t going to narrow down the list very much.


It is more reprehensible to steal from someone who is needy. Someone like that may depend heavily on their tablet.

True enough.
And there is no better time to kick someone then when they are down. They are right there at foot level.
Don’t even get me started on the shoddy state of candy security shown by most babies.

This is Your Basic Compromise. We can’t give her an Uzi for that reason. Everyone with orange paint goes in the lineup.
Machine Elf, she gets one that is full auto, we get a single shot.

And when the thief turns the corner and takes his shirt off then what?

And then when the bystanders who are covered in orange paint sue the Chaired-American putting undo stress and hardship on them then what?