Work at home? Legitimate?

I think this question was asked some time ago here, but I thought I’d start a new thread in the interest of current information.

I hope to be employed shortly, but just in case is falls through Iwas looking at those “work at home” type things (particularly as transportation is one of my problems, jobfidingwise).

I’m wondering the best way to find the legitimite ones as it sems pretty clear a lot of them arn’t. Should I believe the ones I keep seeing on have any greater likelyhood of being for real or do they take anyone? Any other good sites to look for?

I’ve heard medical billing and paralegal stuff mentioned…would I need a background or could any (more or less :wink: ) intelligent person walk into that?

One thing I was thinking about is polling. (NOT telemarketing…even if I wanted to become one of the despised and wrtched of the Earth, I would be terrible at it.) I saw (and applied for) a job calling people who are participating in a cancer research study. That I can do. (I’ve done it before, remember the Dateline poll of the week? I did those.)

Anyone have any experience (good or bad) with this type of thing? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
