Work Like a Dog-A Mundane Mutt Post

I’m home! Long boring day - sat in jury pool room until2:15, when a group of us went up for questioning. I am glad I wasn’t chosen - it was a child molestation trial. Well, “enticing a child” and “attempt to commit child molestation”. I don’t even want to know…

Then I ran over to feed librarian friend’s cats, and hurried to make it to the Coach’s Show. Then home to empty the cat boxes before the last of my energy ran out.

I need to do a load of laundry but it just might have to wait until tomorrow night…

Wow! I can’t believe I’m actually getting in on the first page!

Doggio, I want your dog’s schedule. It sounds good to me.

Drae, what an adorable puppy. It’s going to take him a little time to get adjusted to you and his surroundings, so don’t expect instanenous results on the ol’ house training. Just give him lots of loves, skritches, and “good boys” when does something right. Positive reinforcement and all that.

I’m sorry that some of you are feeling “Teh Sick”. I hope you get to feeling better.

Today was meh. I was feeling less than inspired at work, but I managed to get through some of my work. The weather is rather sucky at the moment.

It’s only Monday and I’m so very ready for the weekend. I have a couple of time off awards that I could use, and I’m seriously considering taking one of those days and adding it to a weekend very soon. Maybe both days. I dunno for sure.

Rosie, I looked at the brands of pet foods recalled today, and don’t recall seeing Purina being one of them. I am ever so thankful that I only feed my dog dry food. We found out long ago that canned food gives him horrible gas. So, no pouches and no canned items here for the dog.

All that work that my son did yesterday must have plum tuckered him out. I found him crashed in our big chair when I came home. Dishes hadn’t been done so I had to roust him to make sure he got them done.

The boat is being taken in for an oil change and stuff like that tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to that bill. Mr. Taters wants to get out on the water. It’s a bit cold for water sports (even with wet suits), but a little fishin’ would be fine.

I guess I’ll cruise the Dope for a few. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve gotten to sit down at the 'puter upon my return home from work.

Oh! Welcome to membership status meli!

Also, a welcome to our newest MMPer, Pudytat.

So…now that doggio has proven that “work like a dog” doesn’t mean what we thought it did, what do we say instead?

Very cute new puppy, Drae! We’ll expect lots more pics, of course.

meli’s back! Yay!

Welcome, pudytat! FCM likes dark chocolate.

Funny lists, sneezy! Welcome back, by the way.

Sorry about the secretary thing, MBG, and congrats as well.

Glad the TV thing went well, gotti.

No pets here, and today, I think I’m grateful. The pet food recall sounds scary.

Here’s an article with a list of manufacturers, rosie. I don’t see Purina listed, but saw Purina PetCare mentioned in a couple of articles.

Hi Taters! I’m ready for the weekend too.

I’m tired. Didn’t get home till 7. Ate dinner quickly and now I’m feeling like a nap.

I was going to do more laundry and drawer clean-up, but I’m thinking that’ll wait till morning.

Hi to everyone I’ve missed… Maybe I’ll stop by before I leave in the morning.


Thanks - but how do you know about Newsday? That’s as local a local paper can get.

Count me in… I’m off to find the store to buy the regular kibble the cats will munch, as opposed to the hairball variety. sigh And I’m eyeing the actual canned stuff at home with trepidation since they’re all Nutro Natural Choice (I bought them a day or two before the recall :stuck_out_tongue: ).

we are a quiet bunch again this week - what’s up with that?

Yeah, it is quiet around here…

Only Cuervo ate any of the brands in the recall - I’d give him a small can of the Iams from time to time. I don’t think he ate a lot of the ‘cuts and gravy’ though it sounds like something I might have grabbed for him. I scanned the codes that I found published and didn’t find any of the bad cans, but tossed it all anyway.

I think all of the kids are going to be weaned off of their daily can (split three ways anyway) - I’ve meant to get them on an all-dry diet for a while, this might just get me there altogether.

I don’t work like a dog, but sometimes I work with a dog. The boss occasionally brings his dog to the office.

Oh, yeah, I got a job.

I think I’m in good shape. I just finished looking thru the last of the several pages I found on the subject. None of them listed the Purina/Friskies varieties. And that’s all I’ve ever given to Smokey (that and people food).

Random thought. We should try and arrange a petfest - we bring all our assorted critters to one location and let them all play together (the dogs would have a separate suite from the cats) I realize it’s a disaster waiting to happen, so it should never be realized, but it’s a fun thought.

Wow, we haven’t even gotten past page 1 today! Where is everyone?

I studied a bit in the library before having tea at a friend’s place, then managing to haul our lazy asses to get some dinner. Others went home to study, but I decided to be unproductive and hang out at Scottish Darling’s place, with her two friends visiting from England. We’re going to watch 300 tomorrow.

Hugs to all, and good night!

Wow, still on page one.

It’s pouring down rain here. My son let the dog out to piddle and the dog came back in soaked, so I had to towel him down. He was lllllllloooooooooovvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiing that. He’s such a funny dog.

Mr. Bus Guy, way back when we first got our cat, we found out the hard way that it’s best to keep a cat on a dry food diet. He had a UTI and the vet immediately recommended keeping him off wet food and only giving him dry so he’d drink more water. After the course of treatment and of course taking him off wet food, he never suffered another UTI.

Of course, poor Mr. Peepers got old and start peeing in my daughter’s room. He wasn’t ill, just old and ornery. My nephew ended up taking Mr. Peepers when he discovered that we had banished the cat to live outdoors. Until the nephew took him, it was either banish the cat outdoors (with a very nice house and stuff), or take him to the pound. I didn’t want to take him to the pound because I knew he’d be euthanized. My daughter was very unhappy with the decision, but it was the best I could do.

I guesss I’ll go watch some TV now.

Huh, how do you like that? I started page two.

Just a quick drive by until after I have taken my evening bathe. Here is a quote from one of my Pom lists, I’m sorry but I cannot provide a cite. Below, however, please find two links which I had no trouble getting in to even with my slow dial up.

“St. Louis, MO, March 16, 2007 . . . . Nestlé Purina PetCare Company today announced that as a precautionary measure, it is voluntarily withdrawing its 5.3 ounce Mighty Dog® brand pouch products that were produced by Menu Foods, Inc. from December 3, 2006 through March 14, 2007. This withdrawal is in response to the recall initiated earlier today by Menu Foods, a contract manufacturer that does limited business with Purina as well as with other pet food manufacturers. Only Mighty Dog 5.3 ounce pouch products are being withdrawn by Nestlé Purina, including those pouches contained in multi-packs. Importantly, no Mighty Dog canned products, or any other Purina products are affected by Menu’s recall.”

Dog food

Cat food
Boy am I glad that I have been hardcore and only given my cats and dogs Nutro kibble!

Good Tuesday morning, folks. The pet food recall is very scary, unfortunately. I don’t have any pets but if I did would maybe consider making their food myself. Not that people food doesn’t get recalled sometimes, though!

Transportation foo caused me to -not- get to work early yesterday, so am up early and will try again today, hence a quick post this a.m. Good thoughts to all who have teh sick or are looking for jobs.

Morning, all! How’s everyone doing in the great battle against Teh Sick?

My ear’s still all gunky and blocked up but I think my brain’s stopped leaking out now. Today I’m feeling a bit naff, got a temperature and a very fuzzy head. So what’s new? My head’s always been a bit fuzzy!

Nothing much going on here, I’m just carrying on with the pills…

Swampy - how goes the giving up?

Quick a.m. drive-by: where’d swampy go? He only posted once yesterday. (I believe this explains why it was so quiet. :smiley: )

rosie, the link to Newsday came from Google News. It was the first article I came to that had more than minimal information.

My allergies a flaring up again…I suspect all the rain we’ve been having has awakened a lot of mold.

Gotta go get ready for work. (Do I have to go? Huh? Do I? Do I? Do I?.. :frowning: Yes.)


Off for another day of jury duty. I know you all envy me…

I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6…

Bah. Up too early. Stupid puppy. yawn This morning, I was woken by frantic whining at 7:18. I raced out of the house before there was an accident, only to spend half an hour wandering around the parking lot, trying to get Winchester to understand what he was supposed to do, all the while realizing that I should have gone to the bathroom before I left the house. When I could stand it no longer, I ran back inside to find Roomie awake, and she took the dog back out while I relieved myself.

She was back in five minutes. I guess I loosened him for her. :rolleyes:

Today’s agenda: Job search. Maybe some cleaning. You know, useful things. I read two books yesterday. I should do something productive today.

I have to post this. I’m doin’ the job search thing, and I come across this:

Bolding mine. Maybe it’s the early hour, but that cracked me right the hell up.

It’s a glorious, glorious day off. :smiley: I am having coffee, then I’m going to call the doc. I woke up with my whole back hurting(Can I get a bionic spine?)

bobbio, if some of my customers were part of the 12, I’d take my chances on the other side.

Drae, you are the walking human. Roomie is the pooping human. See how your tri-colored overlord has organized things at his house?

kai, Nutro is on the list, too. Maggie gets Purina Geezer Chow.