But I got to wondering, what percentage of you have looked with lust upon a co-worker?
This comes about because one of my assistants just innocently steamed me up. I was discussing some project (frankly, now I can’t remember what) with her when she told me she needed some data and turned to her computer, bent over at the waist and just stood there for a minute or so.
Woof, trust me. I wasn’t expecting the rush I got there staring at her backside. It kinda shook me. Me, the stick-in-the-mud 30-something married guy looking with lust in my heart at a 23 year old.
Not that I’d ever act upon it, you see. But I sure felt that rush of desire.
I have been tempted. Many times. Being a single, straight, 28 year old male who is also unattached, I get tempted a lot doing what I do (I’m a stand-up comic, so it’s not just “coworkers” that I get tempted by. There are also the twenty-somethings that want to talk to you after the show). I have given in to the temptation with one girl. We started talking after one of my shows, and the next thing I know, I’m at her her apartment, and it’s 5:30am, and…you know.
My and my SO have been dating for almost five years now.
When I met her and we starting dating, I was her boss at work. :eek: That was pretty awkward for a while. She got another job after about 4 months, but it made for some interesting times.
Mr. Scarlett and I met at work, and “got together,” if you will, about 3 months later. It was not so much physical lust as mental lust – we found each other more interesting than the average bear, and it just went from there. We tried to keep it secret during our employment at that place, but a few friendly co-workers figured it out (and kept the secret!). It was pretty funny going back to work on Monday and asking each other, “So, how was your weekend?” when we each knew damn well how the other’s weekend had gone, because we’d spent it together.
As far as lust goes, well, I’m too proper for anything like that, although once before we started dating, Mr. Scarlett and I were talking just inside the darkroom door, where no one could see us, and he kept leaning closer and closer to me. Eventually I backed up. Later he told me he had been thinking about kissing me, but decided against it and just leaned in close to see what I would do. I’m sure he was vastly amused.
I have this co-worker, see. And he’s married, ya know? Well…straight off that means I would never actually touch him in a lustful way, much less seriously attempt to get him into bed.
We joke around about blowjobs and such, but there was one proposition-it came from him-and after the awkwardness about that was over, we were both glad that nothing came of it and we’ve become good friends. But I was mighty tempted. Oh my…was I tempted.
I used to work with this guy who just turned me on like I can’t describe! He played bass in a band and he had blue hair. He was the hottest, sexiest thing on two legs! I was his manager so I couldn’t really do anything. But after he quit, a bunch of us went to a concert (Impotent Sea Snakes) and I got really drunk and ended up kissing him and messing around. Actually, I kissed several people that night, come to think of it…
I was crazy about this guy I worked with for awhile, we kissed a few times, but nothing really came of it. Now, I’m not allowed to date anyone at work, because they’re ll either higher or lower than me. I’m not in the mood to lose my job for a fling…
I am having one of these experiences now. The girl is really cool, couple of years older than me and a total hippy. Of course I have already had one HR complaint (I asked her out for lunch, not to fuck her dammit!) so I really cant step in and say anything to her…
To bad, perhaps I will invite her to one of my parties.
For some reason, there are a few very attractive women at my workplace. I look and get tempted, but there’s no way I could make anything happen so it’s all moot.
There’s Milly (married, dammit), Kim, Jennifer (married, dammit), and Brandi. I might have had a chance with Anne, but she quit back in January.
Nobody in my office, but there is a really hot redhead 3 floors down, with amazing breasts…Oh wait, it probably doesn’t count if you were dating BEFORE you got the job.
I was working in a Call Center doing telephone tech support. This was shortly after I got married. The girl was my age and married. She was absolutely gorgeous, funny, smart, caring, and had a very genuine personality (She never put up a front or led anyone along). We became good friends while I was there and whenever either of us had a break, we would hang around the other for a bit. I had a big time crush on her but never did anything… I never really wanted to do anything, but lusting after her was fun. I was scared that something might happen when she told me that she was getting a divorce from her husband, but I did nothing because I did not want to screw up my life as well. I was very happily married. I remained her friend and she ended up patching up things with her husband. I think deep down, she knows that there was some sort of attraction between us, but we both knew it was never going to happen and we remained friends.
There is another one at my current job, but that story would take much too long to write up now. I’ll leave it for another thread.
One of my previous jobs was filled with this. Working in tv, people on-air have to be attractive, and when these hot women are leaning over, brushing their breasts against you(unwittingly!), you can’t ignore it.
My last two jobs have been seriously deficient in the work-lust department, but that’s fine. I really don’t need that kind of distraction.
Right now I’m very distracted by someone who has a connection with the place where I work/go to school. There’s a bit of an age difference, (he’s a bit older) and both of us are married (my marriage is on the rocks). I don’t know what I would do if the opportunity presented itself.
Certainly. There’s been incidents were I lusted after coworkers, and one incident where I ducked into work after-hours with a significant other and we used it as a convenient place for some stop-over sex before we got home.
There’s a girl I work with whom I find incredibly attractive, so much so that she intimidates me to the point I get rattled and can’t speak when she’s around me. However, she’s engaged to a guy who also works in the same place (they were already together when they started there; there’s an awful lot of that kind of stuff in my company).
I’ve had a thing for one of the doctors who used to work at my hospital as an intern 2 years ago, and now he does relief work there from time to time. Unfortunately for me, he was informed of my attraction to him, and he made it clear he wasn’t interested. I was also attracted to another intern from last year’s bunch, but he fell for another tech and now they live together. Such is my life.
It was the WORST single mistake of my life! Had a sexy co-worker that was clearly interested, my wife had been away on family business for an extended period, etc. etc. (summarize as “lots of dumb excuses.”)
Luckily, my wife never found out about it but that was what it was, luck. Anyway, lesson learned.