Work, Work, Work

Has anyone else seen this?

A friend just sent me a news article that purports to come from the Houston Chronicle, November 20, 1999. (I’ll paraphrase it, rather than quote it, so Nickrz doesn’t have a tizzy about copyright.)

According to the article, a lady in Texas succeeded in a workers’ compensation claim for repetitive stress/carpal tunnel problems. All right so far, you’re thinking, those keyboards can be hell, some nights I can barely Straight Dope for three hours.

Well, the unusual thing was her occupation - phone sex lady. She got the carpal tunnel from repeated, um, self-stimulation, up to eight times a day, with orgasm, 15 minutes for average clients, 30 minutes with regulars who asked for her.

Is this for real? I mean, in the Great White North we’re used to seeing weird court cases from the south, but this one seems just a bit too, well, wacky?

and the stars o’erhead were dancing heel to toe

so somehow, even with “flood control” I managed to start two threads on the same topic?

I’m a technoklutz.

and the stars o’erhead were dancing heel to toe

This one passed through here, last week, I think.

Check GD.

Teeming Millions:
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t