Workaholics - Why?

My husband has turned into a complete workaholic. I don’t really mind it, although I get kind of lonely & bored sitting here all by my lonesome self, I just don’t understand it at all.

He already works way too much at his regular job, now he has decided to start up a computer repair service, which is going to eat up even more of his free time. I just don’t get it! I understand he enjoys his work, but this is just so weird to me. The extra money is nice, but we don’t need it that badly, and if we did, I’d be happy to go out and get a job so that he wouldn’t have to work so much.

Please, can somebody explain this to me? Like I said, it’s not so much bothersome as it is baffling.

Don’t ask me. I have no idea why anyone would want to work more than eight hours per day. Shoot, I don’t know why anyone would want to work at all!

Check me out with my deeply-ingrained Protestant work ethic.

Yeah right.

I’m considered a boarderline workaholic (I average 60 hours a week)but I love my job. And, as it turns out, no one else does my job but me at my company so if I want to have more then just mediocore results i have to work hard.

But that’s ok by me.

If you feel that you must suffer, then plan your suffering carefully–as you choose your dreams, as you conceive your ancestors.

If I knew why, I could fix it.
It would be nice to be normal.

I’m not sure why your husband is like that, tator, but I know I like to work and constantly be busy. I can’t just sit and do nothing. And I like doing things that challenge and seem worthwhile to me. Your husband may be the same way.

I work two jobs now, well I will starting Monday. My new full time job and then 20 hours a week at the library being a shelver. I like it actually. It makes me feel useful. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with him. Maybe he isn’t feeling useful enough. Just thought I’d give my thoughts on it. :slight_smile:

When are you going to realize being normal isn’t necessarily a good thing?

tater, even…brain fart…my fingers kept typing tator for some strange little reason :smiley:

When are you going to realize being normal isn’t necessarily a good thing?

I have been called a workaholic by some. I don’t know if that label is the correct one, but I will say that I am always intellectually stimulated by my job and find it hugely rewarding. Sometimes I love it, occasionally I am over-stressed by it, every now and then it scares me, and a few days a year I dislike it.

Every day, no matter how I’m feeling about my job, my wife helps me cope. I try to do the same with her and her job.

That’s what I like about our marriage; we help each other get through life.


i would love to explain this to you but i’m far to busy right now gotta go bye

The important thing is to find something that you enjoy and that will keep you busy so that you don’t miss him. One day he’ll wake up to discover that you have a life of your own…one that he might decide he would like to share.

“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda

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