World Chess Championships are underway


  • There was no doubt.
  • Had there been a World Championship in golf, he’d almost certainly have needed to win it to be considered the best.
  • Had he taken a year off, his status as world’s best would surely have been called into question.

We have a new champion, after three rapid draws and a win as black: Ding Liren!

That last game was something else. Very brave (and accurate) decision by Ding to avoid a draw with very little time on his clock, and heartbreaking to see Nepo once he realized he had lost. It’s definitely worth watching one of the streams on YouTube.

Yeah, Nepo breaking down at the table is pretty rough.

Congrats to Ding. Unfortunate for him that everyone is putting an asterisk after “Champion”, but there’s nothing he can do about that.

Yeah, I was watching the stream, and it was incredibly tense. I thought all three commentators did a great job talking through what was happening.